Have a look at this PDF . That may help to clear up some issues.
"Jethro" wrote in message
I have a friend with a problem. He talked one of his friends into
changing to the ISP 'Shorelink'. Then he persuaded her to switch to
'Verizon'. So when she has problems, she reasonably assumes they are
his doing and his responsibility. She has a glitch that obviously
results from this chain of ISPs: an intrusion of Shorelink that
behaves as if it were still involved.
When she clicks on Outlook Express a window opens that incorrectly
identifies her server as myshorelink. It lists her correct Verizon
address and wants her password, which it rejects. If she clicks off
the window it goes away with no further affect. My friend ran
searches of her entire hard drive for "shorelink" and "myshorelink."
Nothing was found. He looked in Control Panel through Internet
Options, Network Setup, Phone & Modem Options and saw no mention of
He intends to do a regedit search for the term shorelink in the
Registry. Can anyone suggest anything else he might do?