How do I move Outlook 2000 contacts to Outlook 2003
The left panel has a folder labled Contacts but is really more of an address
book (first, last name; street, city, state, phone number, etc). It includes
a field for e-mail addreses. I have successfully relocated that folder to
the new computer. Now, in the toolbar there is a phone book symble that
provides a list of e-mail addresses only. I call that the contact list. The
"address book" contents are exactly the same on both computers but I have no
separte list of just e-mail addresses to select from when I prepare a new
e-mail. I need to reconstruct or import that "contact list".
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
Clarify what you mean by "contact list"
What isn't appearing where you think it should?
Russ Valentine
"BertS" wrote in message
I've moved all my Outlook *.spt files from a decktop using Office 2000 to
new notebook using Office 2003. Everything in the address book is as it
on the desktop. However, when I try to send a new e-mail there is nothing
the contact list that I'm used to seeing. How do I get the e-mail
shown in the address book into a new contact list?