Am 14 Sep 2006 05:41:14 -0700 schrieb Andy Bowles:
Thatīs right and reliable, sent items do not have any pr_received*
Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
-- --
Given a mailItem which has .Sent = True, I want to determine whether it
was outbound (ie sent from this mailbox), or inbound (ie sent to this
I can't rely on the location of the message, because it may have been
moved from the Inbox or from Sent Items. I'm also not keen on using
the sender/recipient addresses, because of the possibility of someone
changing their sender address, or sending an email to themselves.
Testing for the presence of PR_RECEIVED_BY_ADDRTYPE seems to work:
Public Function IsInboundMessage(itm As Outlook.MailItem) As Boolean
Dim ssn As New MAPI.Session
Dim msg As MAPI.Message
Dim typ As String
ssn.Logon , , False, False, 0 ' Use the existing Outlook session
Set msg = ssn.GetMessage(itm.EntryID, itm.Parent.StoreID)
On Error Resume Next
typ = msg.Fields(CdoPR_RECEIVED_BY_ADDRTYPE).Value
If Err.Number 0 Then
IsInboundMessage = False
IsInboundMessage = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set ssn = Nothing
Set msg = Nothing
End Function
Is this the right way to do this? And is it reliable?
Andy Bowles