Automatically forward message
I had a similar problem with rules wizard in trying to set up a simple
autoforward, in new rules set up, you need to say select check messages
when they arrive, set the condition (doubt if you can set a time
interval) then in the following screens you get the option of what to
do with the message(s) [you have to scroll down the list of actions to
see forward].
BruceS wrote:
Hi, folks!
I (on the east coast) and another person (on the west cost) provide tech
support for a small company. We have a "support" email account set up on a
"freebie" (TMSoft) email server. I have my Outlook 2002 set up to pick up
those emails.
What I want to do is, during specified hours each day, have those emails
automatically forwarded to the west coast person. I looked in the inbox
rules and did not see anything that would even forward, much less forward
during only certain times.
I'm pretty good with VBA in Access but have never really done any
customization for Outlook. Before diving into more programming, I wanted to
see if there was anything already out there that would solve my problem.
Can anyone help?