InfoPathEditor Fails in Outlook 2007 FormRegion
By any chance, are you leaving the item open in the preview (reading pane)?
Does it work if the reading pane is off?
Feel free to shoot me an email off this list as well -
"Pete Loveall" wrote:
"John Guin" wrote:
First, a dumb question: does the outlook item get left showing in a reading
No, the form closes.
Second, can you post the relevant code (I assume you are using C# with a
replace region).
This is a VB project. The basic code is as described in the MS samples
using a class to encapsolate each form instance being added to a list upon
opening and removed upon closing. The control was added to the form region
via the control toolbox in Outlook. The VB variables for the control, form,
and region are set to Nothing when closed (same thing occurs whether I use
the InfoPathEditor.CloseDocument() method or not).
Lastly, does this work on an old style forms^3 form?
I don't know what you are asking here. The control works fine the first
time and any subsequent times as long as there is always one of the
formregions open. It is only an issue when all formregions have been closed
and then an affected email is opened with the form.
Something that might be a factor is that it appears that closing the form
and saying you don't want to update the email prevents the email from being
modified BUT the modified email is kept in memory until Outlook is closed
when Outlook asks again if you want to save the modified email (this can be
tested by looking at any email's header using the right-click menu on any