How to get rid of adobe
"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
Do you have it listed as an addin in tools | options |
other | advanced? If so, untick it.
It's not there.
The nomenclature is a little different in my setup, so just
that I'm sure we're talking about the same place, I looked
in Tools | Options | Other tab | Advanced Options | Add-in
Manager. That produces a "Add-in Manager" box, which has six
entries, five of which are checked: Delegate Access; Deleted
Item Recovery; Exchange Extensions commands; Exchange
Extensions property pages; Server Scripting (the only one
not checked); and Fax Server Extension. None of it looks
Adobe related.
If not, take a look in the Adobe Acrobat product itself to
see if there's an option to disable the toolbar/OL stuff.
There doesn't seem to be, nor is there anything in the Adobe
Acrobat help file that mentions the annoying toolbar, other
than references to the fact that Acrobat puts it there.
I don't know that the same problem persists into the most
recent version of MS Word (I have Word 2003 at work, and
don't think it has this problem, even though I haven't
disabled anything), but in Word 2000 at least, Adobe added
an annoying icon which was persistent even when it had been
disabled. I discovered the way to get rid of it was to go
into the Office startup file (where the templates for Word
are kept) and rename or delete the template named Renaming or deleting that template does not
solve the problem in Outlook, however.
I guess I'll head over to the Adobe discussion groups to see
if anyone there knows, although I find they generally don't
know how to disable annoying add-ons that Acrobat inflicts
on other programs.
If you or anyone else can think of anything else I might
try, I'll appreciate hearing.