Cotents Pane Icons.
I have created some custom forms based on each standard form to show our
client specific icons instead of the outlook ones. Have mapi message store,
exchange extensions comaddin and some CDO.
First issue with IPM.Note.MyClass - with sent mails I get the sent icon. So
I change PR_ICON_INDEX to -1 to show the default icon for that class. I
revert it back to its original value if the message is ever copied out of
our store.
Brings me to my next problem as we wish to show different icons for each
state ie. locked or checked out etc. is there any way for me to set
different icons for the same messageclass IPM.Note.MyClass instead of having
the same form published as IPM.Note.MyClass.Locked,
IPM.Note.MyClass.CheckedOut etc.
Next question is PR_ICON_INDEX an offset into your resource file or
equivalent in outlook or is there anyway to set icons and reference them
with specific values in here. I know I can set it to any of the outlook
specific values. (any way of adding some more - would help with question 1
Finally is there any way to change the icons in the hierarchy table - we
have different folder types is there anyway for us to show these
differences. Note we are using MAPI so have a lot of control here but at
the moment cannot find a way to do this. Can you pulish a form to
IPF.Note.MyClass and change PR_CONTAINER_CLASS (although my feeling is this
would change the behaviour of item being added away from IPM.Note which I
wish to keep)