I'm quite aware of that - I want a space to appear in the filename like it
used to "file name.jpg" not "File%20name.jpg" - try sending/receiving an
email with the 2 different versions of the name and see what the difference
is in outlook Express, both in Preview and in an opened email.
It's like return to DOS when literal file names were not allowed, imagine
going back to 8 characters!
"Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM" wrote in message
"Res ipsa loquitor" wrote in message
If you have a message with a picture whose filename contains a "blank"
and you right-click on the picture and select "save" the "blank" is
replaced by "%20", trivial you might say. It's tedious to rename them
when saving.
As in all previous versions if you have an email with a picture
attachment with a filename containing "%20" (or any "%" code) the picture
will not display on preview or upon opening, as this bug spreads
eventually NO pictures will display in OE because most will contain %20
As I save MANY pics from emails this was enough for me to uninstall IE7
and I can't even report the bug!
It isn't really a bug. %20 is a space.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
Answer in newsgroup. Don't send mail.