VBA-run-through stopping after abount 250 items
I need to run through all items (about 5000) in a public folder once in a
while. Lately I have upgraded to XP Pro and I think that might have caused
some problems.
The error I get every time the computer has read about 250 items is
"Run time error 13: Type mismatch"
When debugging and placing the cursor right on top of ".Item(intCounter)" I
can see how far the computer got in the code. Next time I can start over at
item no 249 and then I get the error around item no 500.
The code I use starts this way:
"For intCounter = 1 To objContacts.Count
Set objContact = objContacts.Item(intCounter)
With objContact
Maybe it's a memory management thing but I would like to go through all
items without stopping every 250 items. Any ideas why this happens and if it
can be cured??
I have tried to run the code on different XP Pro computers. One with 512 Mb
Ram and one with 1 Gb Ram. Same problems.
When running 2000 Pro I didn't have this problem. And I don't think I have
changed my code since then.
- Allan
(Running Exchange Server 2003 with Outlook 2003 clients)