Importing Data from Backup
lgoler wrote:
I'm trying to bring in my contacts and calendar from my old computer
to my new one, and have copied the data into a file and put in on cd.
The file is an Outlook Data File as confirmed by Explorer. When I
copy the file into the Local Settings--Microsoft--Outlook folder,
it appears there as having the same file size. But when I try to
open it within Outlook, either through the import function, or simply
file--Open Data File, nothing happens, and it simply creates a new
personal folder with nothing in it.
Did you copy it back to your hard drive from the CD and remove the read-only
I know that it copied the data
because I watched while it said copying "calendar" and "contacts".
Am I doing something wrong?
No correct method of backing up and restoring a PST ever shows those
messages. Describe exactly how your "backed up" and "restored" the PST.
Brian Tillman