-- I have specifically told my antivirus program not to do any mail
scanning. I also tested OE 6 with ssl on port 25 and that works fine. when
i go to advanced settings and change the smtp port to587 and use ssl then it
doesn t work. all other clients work with those settings, i.e. thunderbird,
mac clients . Outlook 2003 works only after i service pack it. so i get the
feeling OE 6 has the same problem
"Michael Santovec" wrote:
I wasn't aware that was a problem?
Have you go to Tools, Accounts, Mail, Properties, Advanced? You can
specify whatever port you need there.
Note: If you have an anti-virus program scanning outgoing mail, it's
the program that has to handle the SSL and needed port.
Mike - http://pages.prodigy.net/michael_santovec/techhelp.htm
"ulyses_96" wrote in message
does anyone out there know if there is a patch or hotfix that will
make OE
version 6 work with smtp ssl on an alternate port?