"item is not ready"? Are you sure that's what the exact error message was?
Are you calling GetFolderFromID(storeid,entrid) for the same user and the
same MAPI profile that was used to retrieve and folder and store entry ids?
Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
"Virda" wrote in message
IS there ant unique id exist for contact/task/calendar items
I used combinely the entryId and storeID to create unique id .
When Iused function GetFolderFromID(storeid,entrid) to get the item, it
return the error message that item is not ready.
Does any body why this error message is being generated or what is the
unique id of outlook2003 items.
Is EntryId is enough for uniqueID??
Thanks i nadvance