Buenas tardes: *JethroUK©* escribió:
i run a class of 16 PC's on a shared profile + shared email account
unfortunately o/express cannot use network drive
the shared email account works fine since this is saved in the profile - but
the message store folder is saved on the machine (so each machine is
any clues to sharing the the same store folder?
OE's store root is saved in the Windows Registry. By changing the value
there directly you can use a mapped network drive. However, you *cannot*
use OE concurrently on more than one machine! If two or more instances
try to access the message store through the network this most certainly
results in damage of the store and loss of data. In short, I think OE
is not the solution to your problem.
How about installing a local mail server on your network? There is a
freeware mail and news server called Hamster available he
It supports creating a local IMAP account, which, as far as I know, can
simultaneously be accessed by multiple clients. So, while OE's local
store still is on each machine, the messages of the shared account are
identical for all users.
Help for Hamster is available in the hamster.en.* newsgroup hierarchy,
which should hopefully be accessible from your provider's newsserver.
Probleme mit OE? Hier gibt es die Lösungen: http://oe-faq.de!
"Der Mensch bringt sogar die Wüsten zum Blühen. Die einzige Wüste,
die ihm noch Widerstand leistet, befindet sich in seinem Kopf." (E. Kishon)