Sharing O/Express?
"Roland Bierlein" wrote in message
: [Crosspost]
: Buenas tardes: *JethroUK©* escribió:
: i run a class of 16 PC's on a shared profile + shared email account
: unfortunately o/express cannot use network drive
: the shared email account works fine since this is saved in the profile -
: the message store folder is saved on the machine (so each machine is
: different)
: any clues to sharing the the same store folder?
: OE's store root is saved in the Windows Registry. By changing the value
: there directly you can use a mapped network drive. However, you *cannot*
: use OE concurrently on more than one machine! If two or more instances
: try to access the message store through the network this most certainly
: results in damage of the store and loss of data. In short, I think OE
: is not the solution to your problem.
: snipped
: Hth.
: Saludos
: Roland
: --
: Probleme mit OE? Hier gibt es die Lösungen:!
: "Der Mensch bringt sogar die Wüsten zum Blühen. Die einzige Wüste,
: die ihm noch Widerstand leistet, befindet sich in seinem Kopf." (E.
If a machine ever loses the network connection and OE tries to access the
Store Folder, OE will default to using a folder on that machine. And that
machine will not go back to using the network drive.
To move the Store Folder to a network drive, you must not lose the network
connection and no one else can try to access the Store Folder while it is
being accessed.
Ron Sommer