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Old January 18th 06, 11:16 AM posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Christian Goeller
external usenet poster
Posts: 60
Default Import HTML: Where is "Insert text from file" option in Outlook 20

luxuria, you wrote on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 17:29:03 -0800:

I have been using Outlook Express until recently, and was able to import HTML
pages into the body of my email by using the Insert Text from file option,
but I cannot find this option in Outlook 2003.

It's much easier for me to create webpages in Dreamweaver and then import
them into Outlook - I'm sure there must be a way to do it in 2003, but I'm
stuck trying to find it!!

Create a new html-mail, go to Insert | File, select the hmtl-file in
windows filesystem and click the little arrow near the "Insert-Button"
and select "Insert as text".

Best Regards
Christian Goeller