Hello together,
Situation: Writing a new e-mail with word as e-mail-editor. In this
e-mail there is a commandbar of my program.
A user position my commandbar in the same row as another commandbar
(for example the "E-Mail-CommandBar"). The positon of my commandbar
will be saved (Position, Rowindex, Left and Top) by the OnUpdate-Event.
The next time the user opens an e-mail, the commandbar is on its
correct position, but it seems the "E-Mail-Commandbar" does not like my
commandbar and take its position in the next row.
I think, the problem exists if my commandbar is positioned before the
"E-Mail-CommandBar" exists. At this time the Inspector is not visible.
How can I fix this problem? I tried to create my commandbar after the
inspector is opend but there are two problems: 1. It takes some time to
display the commandbar and 2. The commandbar always is floated :-(
How can I fix this problem? I searched some time in this newsgroups but
I didn`t find the right post.
Thanks for any suggestions!
EDV-Service Marchert
[Peter Marchert]
Rufnummernformatierung mit EditNumbers
Kontakte per Mausklick mit ContactMaker