import contacts from excel
I have been unsuccessful at importing my contacts from excel. I have named
the range i want to import. I select the range (one column is 317 entries
long, I have about 7 fields across for name, etc)
I enter the name in the name box to the left of the function thing. I press
enter. I have done this numerous times. When I come back and highlight the
range, it does not show the name in the name box, it shows the cell #'s.
Should it retain that name? The names appear in the drop down list,. i can
reselect it. But it does not seem to retain it.
Then when I go into outlook to import., it shows every possible name, even
ones i mistyped and corrected when first entering the name in excel.
It shows all the names in a list. I click on one and it goes immediately to
mapping. I drag it over. I can not use next or previous to get the next
name. I hit OK and return to the list. I do this for each name. It lists
all the names, even those that are not in the worksheet anh longer (ie I
fixed a typo). I only do it for the names that I know are being used
currently in the worksheet.
then when i import, it takes a long time. sometimes hangs up. If I stick
it through, it makes 65,000 new BLANK entries in my contacts.
what am i doing wrong and is there a way to delete 65,000 entries without
holding teh delete button down for an hour?
when I name the ranges, I am careful to only highlight the 316 entries, not
the entire length of the infinitie worksheet..
Thanks for any help you can give.