Need Help Please
I am new at starting to use Outlook Express.
What I need to know is what do I put in as the "POP3" Server and what
do I put in as the "SMTP" Server"?( Or it says it could be IMAP or HTTP
as well as "SMTP")
I typed in POP3 as my incomming server. And I typed in SMTP as my
outgoing server. And here is what I keep getting;
The host "STMP" could not be found. Please verify that you
have entered the server name correctly.
Account"POP3", server "STMP", Protocol: SMTP,Port 25
Securred (SSL)No,Socket Error11001. Error Number :x800ccc00
What does that mean? What am I doing wrong? Am I suspose to type in
something else instead of the words POP3 and STMP? What do they mean?
I am so green about this. Please help.
I appreicae it.
Thank you,