Need Help Please
You need to contact your ISP or check their FAQs on their website to figure
out the appropriate values for the servers and your username and password.
wrote in message
I am new at starting to use Outlook Express.
What I need to know is what do I put in as the "POP3" Server and what
do I put in as the "SMTP" Server"?( Or it says it could be IMAP or HTTP
as well as "SMTP")
I typed in POP3 as my incomming server. And I typed in SMTP as my
outgoing server. And here is what I keep getting;
The host "STMP" could not be found. Please verify that you
have entered the server name correctly.
Account"POP3", server "STMP", Protocol: SMTP,Port 25
Securred (SSL)No,Socket Error11001. Error Number :x800ccc00
What does that mean? What am I doing wrong? Am I suspose to type in
something else instead of the words POP3 and STMP? What do they mean?
I am so green about this. Please help.
I appreicae it.
Thank you,