DBX file size...
If you compacted, Deleted Items.dbx should be 59KB. Are you sure you are
looking in the correct Message Store for the identity you are using?
Tools | Options | Maintenance | Store Folder will reveal the location of
your Outlook Express files. Press the Tab key to highlight the folder
location, then Ctrl+C. Close OE, then Start | Run | Ctrl+V will put the
location in the box - Click OK and you'll see the OE files. Otherwise, write
the location down and navigate to it in Windows Explorer.
In WinXP, Win2K & Win2K03, the OE user files (DBX and WAB) are by default
marked as hidden. To view these files in Windows Explorer, you must enable
Show Hidden Files and Folders under Start | Control Panel | Folder Options
Icon | View, or in Windows Explorer | Tools | Folder Options | View.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"barcaroller" wrote in message
My "Deleted Items" folder is completely empty and yet the "Deleted
Items.dbx" file is at 55 MB. I have compacted the folders but the size
for "Deleted Items.dbx" has not changed. Does anyone know why an empty OE
6.0 folder (on Windows XP HE) would take up so much space?