grouping and sorting
Hi Kristin,
Thanks for your reply. I would like to be able to change the Sorting
without goings through multiple dialog boxes. An easy way to do this is
simply to click the column heading. The problem is that doing So removes the
grouping. Is There anyway to lock in The grouping So it remaines when I click
a column heading?
"KristinQ" wrote:
Hi Stuart,
Go to View/Arrange By and Select "Category."
Then go to View/Arrange By and select "Customize Current View." This will
bring up the "Customize View: By Category" dialog box. In this box, click on
"Sort" and select which columns you'd like to sort by. You can do up to four
levels (i.e. first by state, then by zip code, then by Company, then by full
name). Whatever order you prefer.
In the "Customize View: By Category" dialog box you can also select "Filter"
which would allow you to display only the contacts that have phone numbers
with a 212 area code, or only those contacts in the state of Michigan, etc.
"Stuart" wrote:
I would like to be able to group by catagory, and then sort by clicking a
colum heading, without removing the grouping. Is this possible in outlook