Importing contacts into address book
I got the problem solved OK. Thanks. Thanks again Russ for your earlier help.
"Norm75" wrote:
Thanks Russ. I am using Outlook 2002 with windows XP Pro. If you or someone
can give me some guidance on how to reconfigure the Outlook Address Book,
that would be terrific. I'm really not sure what I did wrong. I copied
Outlook.pst from my notebook, using a CD, and put it on my PC's Outlook 2002.
It's on the PC that I have the problem. As I mentioned, the contacts, etc.
shows on the Folder list of outlook except I can't access it through the
address book.
Thanks for your help. Norm.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
There is never any reason to import data that is already in Outlook's native
Your problem, however, is that you have not configured your Outlook Address
Book correctly. How that configuration became corrupted is not clear. You
posted no information that would permit us to identify what else you did
Just reconfigure your Outlook Address Book. If you don't know how, then post
your Outlook version so someone can tell you.
Russ Valentine
"Norm75" wrote in message
I have imported into the Personal Folders the contact list -
\\outlook\outlook.pst. the folder is there with the contacts
I can't see it in the address book.When I click on the address book, I
"the address list could not be displayed. The contacts folder associated
this address list could not be opened. For info. on how to remove from the
outlook address book, see Outlook help.
Having done that, I am still confused and I can't find the contacts in the
address book which is currently empty.
Any help would be greatly be appreciated. Thanks.