Thanks for your suggestion. This does work but it it a bit of a shame it
does not do it automatically as you have already associated signatures with
accounts. Bring on OE7 !
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
IMHO, I think you will have better results if you don't use the option to
Add signature to all outgoing messages. Put the Insert button on the
toolbar and it should put the correct one in when you click on it since
you are now in the correct account.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"Andrew Kennard" wrote in message
Hi all
I'm trying to setup different signatures for multiple different accounts.
I've setup 10 accounts and 10 signature files
However when I start a new message it puts in the signature from the
default account.
If I then straight away change the "From" account......The signature does
NOT change ?
Surely if you can set different signatures for different accounts on the
signatures tab in the tools menu ...... then these should be used when
the appropriate 'From' account is changed ?? Otherswise what is the point
in setting them up ??
Thanks in advance