Get the excellent white paper "Configuring Outlook Profiles by Using a PRF File" at I&respos=3, which explains how to set up an ImportPRF registry value to force Outlook to process a .prf file in startup.
The page at includes information on other profile tools and resources.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
"pmt82" wrote in message
Hi all,
I wish to deploy a outlook prf file so that the first time a user logs
into a machine their email account is set up and ready to use.
I have created the prf file, added it into our login script but I would
like it to be completely silent.
Currently when a new user logs in (for the first time on that machine)
it will setup Office 2003 then when implementing the PRF file it will
ask to input the new settings or not. (Well to put it simply anyways).
How would I have this automatically select the yes option without the
user knowing about anything that has happened and that it has all been
clean and silent and ready for them to use.
I have tried optinos suggested in Microsoft site such as /qb- etc and
/Silent but it still comes up with the message box.
Thanks in advance!