2 different send pages
I have M/S Office 2003 When I create an e-mail I open office click on new and
I am able to create a new e-mail all my edit options are their signature
inserted, highlighting capabilities etc. Correct me if I am wrong I beleive
this all done through word. My problem question is when I send a pic from my
pictures folder it does not come up in this Word e-mail format. Spell check
is not highlighted with a red squiggly line I have to press F7, my signature
is not auto inserted, no high lighting capabilities, when this widow is open
I cannot open M/S office to go back and example check on sent messages,
contacts calendar what ever. Why do I have this problem. The version I have
for M/S office when creating an e-mail is M/S Office Word 2003. When sending
a pic from My Pictures folder and it comes up in an e-mail format it is M/S
Office Outlook 2003. What do I have to do to make this like M/S Office Word
2003 if that would fix the problem.
Carl R