Assume that this is the same problem that I just responded to in another
If Outlook is complaining about too many fields being defined when importing
from Excel - did you include all the columns in your named range (A to IV)
or just the columns that include data. If memory serves correctly, Outlook
will throw that error message (too many fields defined) if more then 127
fields are found when it opens the file - negating follow-on screens from
__________________________________________________ ___________
ContactGenie - Importer 1.3 / DataPorter 2.0 / Exporter
"Power contact importers/exporters for MS Outlook '2000/2003"
"MoonStar" wrote in message
I have tried everything here but am still having no luck.
I created the .csv I am trying to import into Contacts from Outlook when I
knew I was going to have to have my hard drive reformatted. Now the
will not import it back in. It gives me an error message saying the
translator cannot recognize the file.
I was able to open it in Excel. I tried saving it as an Excel file and
importing it that way. No luck. Keeps telling me too many fields defined.
tried resaving it as a .csv under a new name. Nothing works.
I don't want to have to cut and paste nearly 300 contacts back into my
address book. I am using Office XP 2002 SP3 edition. Any suggestions on
I need to do. I even tried running the detect and repair as you suggested,
but that didn't help.
If Outlook exported the .csv file why won't it import it back?
"Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
Is there something unusual about the way you installed Outlook that
suggests that might be the problem? Have you tried running Help | Detect
and Repair? Have you tried saving the Excel file as a .csv file and
importing that comma-delimited file?
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
"phd" wrote in message
After I select the destination folder is when my error message appears.
There is no subsequent screen that allows me to Map Custom Fields.
Does this
have to do with the version/way I installed Outlook (2003)?
"Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
There is a Map Custom Fields button on the screen that appears after
you select the destination folder.
"phd" wrote in message
I receive the same error message and have tried everything "old
geezer" says.
Further I don't see where I can choose to custom map the fields
while using
the import data wizard.
"MasqueradeKaraoke" wrote:
I have tried all of these steps, and I am receiving an error from
the ODBC
Excel Driver: Too many fields defined.
Any help with this is appreciated.
"kms" wrote:
What you suggested worked on my computer at the office where I'm
using Office
2000 but it didn't work at home when I use Office 2003.
"Old Geezer" wrote:
Hi KMS: I have had the same problem and although I don't know
the version of
your Outlook, I'm thinking that I can give you a hint that
might work. So if
this doesn't meet your needs then maybe you can give a bit more
and some one else can help you. Here's how I did it! - (Im
starting at the
1. Open the Excel file that you want to bring (import) into the
Contact file. Select the range of cells, "which Means to
highlight all the
cells in Excel that have information in them that you want to
import into
your outlook file". Do include cells that are header cells
(like the titles
of the columns) because outlook figures that you have headers
and if you
don't you will not have the top row imported.
2. Click the Name box at the left end of the "formula bar"
(formula bar = A
bar at the top left of the Excel window.) {Or select
Insert/Name/Define and
type a name for the range.}
(The Name Box drops down and don't worry where the name will
go, it ends up
in the box. you just type the name (with no spaces) like,
3. Then don't forget to Press ENTER
4. Save the spreadsheet and close the file - Else you'll get
another error -
, then go to OutLook, click on your contact folder, and add a
new folder
called Clients list. Click on the folder so it's selected This
is where you
were missing something in your steps that you took.
5. Then go up to the menu bar and select "File\Import and
6. A dialog box opens and you follow instructions.
a. Select the file that you have the client's names and
information when
asked. Also click on "don't import duplicate names"
b. Your destination folder is already selected cause you did
that in #4 above.
7. First time - In the "Import a file" dialog box put a check
into the
square next to the name of the file. When you do, the box
changes into a
"mapping" of the categories that you have in your Excel file.
8. So you have to drag over from the left to the right area
each cell title
so the transfer can be made. You must open each area on the
right map like
HOME or BUSINESS to fill in each field like home phone or zip
9. When you have mapped out the fields, then
"Finish" by click
OK and Finish and the transfer should work. So now you know.
.. . (I hope )
"kms" wrote:
When using the Import Wizard and importing from Excel no
folders appear in
the Destination Folder so I cannot select a folder and
continue. How do I
select the destination folder when there are none listed