Sending from multiple accounts
Unfortunately, it seems like Outlook's implementation of multiple accounts
is SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE than Outlook Express'. In the little brother version,
if you have a message in account B selected, and selected "Create Mail" then
the message will by default be sent by Account B, even if Account A is
default. Outlook, will default to Account A, and only an explicit selection
of Account B will be used.
Similarly, I have multiple email accounts set up (3xIMAP). No matter which
account I select to send the message from, the "Sent Message" gets saved in
the same folder - "Personal Folders"|"Sent Items". Outlook Express is smart
enough to know to save an email sent from Account B in Account B's Sent
Items folder - why can't the paid product do the same?
"Brian Tillman" wrote in message
You can't write an email "on" an account. You compose a message and then
send it with an account, either the default account or by choosing one
explicitly. When replying, Outlook will always choose the account with
which the message was received.
snip How would you expect Outlook to know which account to use if you
don't specify it? No one has invented mind-reading software yet.
Brian Tillman