MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180 creates incorrect X- header
Coming into a forum and calling the people there fools doesn't often provide
much help.
"Capomaestro" wrote in message
What's to 'discuss'? I am only that way with people that are too lazy to
do their own research, which amounts to 96.54% of all
posts here. Suffice to say I do not suffer fools gladly. Sadly, I have
yet to uncover a response in this NG by an MVP that amounts
to more than RTFM of the OE Help file.
I know and can prove the defect in the 6.0.2800.1807 rules engine. I
simply will not pay M$ for the priviledge of reporting it.
"Steve Cochran" wrote in message
The guy is obviously not friendly to discussion and disses everyone who
tries to reply.
"Roland Bierlein" wrote in message
Buenas noches: *Capomaestro* escribió:
Face it, OE6's rules engine is broken. There is no NG fix for this
other than an MVP sending in a defect report.
Excuse me, if I got something wrong in this thread - it was not always
easy to get your meaning - but did you not state in your initial post
that OE with inetcomm.dll version 6.0.2900.2962 is doing alright? That
is the current version of OE for Windows XP SP2, so why bug something
already fixed?
Also, you mentioned inetcomm.dll version 6.0.2800.1807 neither having
a problem, which is the current version of OE for Windows 2000 with IE
Maybe I am missing something here?
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"Ein Kompromiß ist nur dann gerecht, brauchbar und dauerhaft,
wenn beide Parteien damit gleich unzufrieden sind. (H.