It doesn't look like there is any help on this issue. At our company, we have regular appts and we also use the calendar as a vacation reminder for the team. We would like the administrator to be able to just remove from other calendars without sending a notice.
Originally Posted by James Ryan
Yes, Brian, you have to invite someone to the meeting and then after that if you try to change it it will no longer give you the option to "Save but don't update". This feature was useful when you knew you were going to have to move a meeting but you wanted to confirm with everyone else before you actually sent out the change.
It was also useful, as another poster pointed, if you want to put in notes to yourself without having everyone else on the invite list able to see your notes.
And, actually, no matter how I input the meeting, I no longer see the choice of "Save but don't update" so I don't know how you are doing it. This is a real flaw in this program.