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automatic bcc

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Old April 18th 06, 04:19 PM posted to microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress
external usenet poster
Posts: 31
Default automatic bcc

Is there a way to force OE to send a BCC automatically for every
message that gets sent out?
Old April 18th 06, 04:42 PM posted to microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress
Bruce Hagen
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,210
Default automatic bcc

Yes, and no. Open a new message window and add the BCC address. Then File |
Save AS an .eml file and save it to the Desktop. When you want to create a
new message, click on this icon rather than Create Mail in OE.

Now for the possible conflict. If you have downloaded the patch KB911567
issued last Tuesday, the template you created may appear as a message you
already received that requires it to be Forwarded. If you see this
behavior, you can remove the patch as per the instructions at this link. I
have as I have a few templates.

Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express

"badgolferman" wrote in message
Is there a way to force OE to send a BCC automatically for every
message that gets sent out?

Old April 18th 06, 05:01 PM posted to microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress
external usenet poster
Posts: 39
Default automatic bcc

"badgolferman" wrote in message
Is there a way to force OE to send a BCC automatically for every
message that gets sent out?

Yes, but a little tricky way.
See this post.

outgoing email with bcc copy automatically

Miyahn (Masataka Miya****a) JPN
Microsoft MVP for Microsoft Office - Excel(Jan 2006 - Dec 2006)

Old April 18th 06, 05:32 PM posted to microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress
external usenet poster
Posts: 31
Default automatic bcc

Miyahn, 4/18/2006, 11:01:18 AM,

"badgolferman" wrote in message

Is there a way to force OE to send a BCC automatically for every
message that gets sent out?

Yes, but a little tricky way.
See this post.

outgoing email with bcc copy automatically

Please send me the Google Groups link to this article or a different
format. I cannot get the above link to work.
Old April 18th 06, 07:42 PM posted to microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress
Jim Pickering
external usenet poster
Posts: 653
Default automatic bcc

All that you need to do to his link is add the server, i.e., take his link

and convert it to the following by adding "//msnews.microsoft.com/"
Jim Pickering, MVP, Outlook Express
Please deliver feedback to the newsgroup, so that others can be helped.

Customers in the U.S. and Canada can receive technical support from
Microsoft Product Support Services at 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is no charge for
support calls that are associated with security updates

"badgolferman" wrote in message
Miyahn, 4/18/2006, 11:01:18 AM,

"badgolferman" wrote in message

Is there a way to force OE to send a BCC automatically for every
message that gets sent out?

Yes, but a little tricky way.
See this post.

outgoing email with bcc copy automatically

Please send me the Google Groups link to this article or a different
format. I cannot get the above link to work.

Old April 18th 06, 09:40 PM posted to microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress
external usenet poster
Posts: 31
Default automatic bcc

Jim Pickering, 4/18/2006, 1:42:26 PM,

All that you need to do to his link is add the server, i.e., take his

and convert it to the following by adding "//msnews.microsoft.com/"

Sorry, it's not working for me. Perhaps if you tell me which newsgroup
and what subject I may find it manually.
"Outlook Express could not download the requested message. It is
likely the message was removed or expired or expired from the server."
Old April 18th 06, 10:10 PM posted to microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress
Jim Pickering
external usenet poster
Posts: 653
Default automatic bcc

I'll just post his reply in toto:

I use the following HTA to add bcc address to mail account on Japanese
WinXP + Japanese OE6.0

The HTA change registry value type of "SMTP Email Address" from "REG_SZ"
to "REG_Binary", and add bcc address.
# Note:This is a tricky way. Try first on new account.

Select target account on "Account" dropdown listbox.
Type Bcc Address in "Bcc Address" textbox.
If you click [Copy] button, original email address is copied to "Bcc
Click [Add] button to change registry.

!-- FileName : AddBccOE.hta --
htmlheadtitleAdd Bcc For OE Mail Account/title
hta:application scroll="no"/
script language=vbs
Const AccName = "Account Name", AdrName = "SMTP Email Address"
Const Root = "HKCU\", IdKey = "Identities", LUIDName = "Last User ID"
Const TKey ="Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager\Accounts"
Const aPat = "\w+@\w+\.\w+", bPat = "\r\nBcc: .+"
Dim WS, MainKey: window.resizeto 300,220
Sub Init()
Dim LUID, SubKeys, aSubKey, Key, Address, Account, aOption, E
Set WS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
LUID = WS.RegRead(Root & IdKey & "\" & LUIDName)
If LUID = "" Or _
LUID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" Then _
alert "Can't Specify User ID !!": window.close: Exit Sub
MainKey = IdKey & "\" & LUID & "\" & TKey
If EnumKey(Root & MainKey, SubKeys) 0 Then
MainKey = TKey
If EnumKey(Root & MainKey, SubKeys) 0 Then _
alert "Can't Read Accounts List !!": window.close: Exit Sub
End If
For Each aSubKey In SubKeys
Key = Root & MainKey & "\" & aSubKey & "\"
On Error Resume Next
Address = WS.RegRead(Key & "\" & AdrName)
E = Err.Number
On Error GoTo 0
If E = 0 Then
Account = WS.RegRead(Key & "\" & AccName)
Set aOption = document.createElement("option")
aOption.innertext = Account: aOption.Value = CStr(aSubKey)
End If
End Sub
Function EnumKey(ByVal MainKey, SubKeys)
Const Tmp = "Temp.reg"
Dim Buf, Pat, cRes, I, Keys()
Select Case Left(MainKey, 4)
Case "HKCR": MainKey = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" & Mid(Mainkey, 5)
Case "HKCU": MainKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" & Mid(Mainkey, 5)
Case "HKLM": MainKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" & Mid(Mainkey, 5)
End Select
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
.Run "Regedit /e " & Tmp & " """ & MainKey & """", 0, True
End With
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If .FileExists(Tmp) Then EnumKey = 0 Else EnumKey = 1: _
Exit Function
With .OpenTextFile(Tmp, 1, False, -2): Buf = .ReadAll: _
.Close: End With
.DeleteFile Tmp
End With
Pat = "\[" & Replace(MainKey, "\", "\\") & "\\([^\\\]]+)"
With New RegExp
.IgnoreCase = True: .Global = True: .Pattern = Pat
Set cRes = .Execute(Buf): ReDim Keys(cRes.Count - 1)
For I = 0 To cRes.Count - 1: Keys(I) = cRes(I).SubMatches(0): Next
End With
SubKeys = Keys: EnumKey = 0
End Function
Sub SelChange
Dim aSubKey, Address, Buf, I
aSubKey = document.all.Accounts.Value
Address = WS.RegRead(Root & MainKey & "\" & aSubKey & "\" & AdrName)
If TypeName(Address) = "String" Then
MailAdr.innertext = Address
For I = 0 To UBound(Address): Buf = Buf & Chr(Address(I)): Next
MailAdr.innertext = Buf
End If
End Sub
Sub AddBcc()
Dim aSubKey, Address, BccAddress, Buf, I, L, BinAddr()
aSubKey = document.all.Accounts.Value
Address = MailAdr.innertext
BccAddress = document.all.BccAdr.Value
With New RegExp
.Pattern = aPat
If Not .Test(BccAddress) Then _
alert "Invalid Bcc Address !!": Exit Sub
.Pattern = bPat
If .Test(Address) Then _
alert "Bcc Already Exists !!": Exit Sub
End With
Buf = Address & "" & vbCrLf & "Bcc: " & BccAddress & Chr(0)
L = Len(Buf): ReDim BinAddr(L - 1)
For I = 1 To L: BinAddr(I - 1) = Asc(Mid(Buf, I)): Next
WS.RegDelete Root & MainKey & "\" & aSubKey & "\" & AdrName
RegWriteB Root & MainKey & "\" & aSubKey, AdrName, BinAddr
End Sub
Sub RegWriteB(MainKey, Name, Data)
Const Tmp = "Temp.reg": Dim Buf, sData(), I
Select Case Left(MainKey, 4)
Case "HKCR": MainKey = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" & Mid(Mainkey, 5)
Case "HKCU": MainKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" & Mid(Mainkey, 5)
Case "HKLM": MainKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" & Mid(Mainkey, 5)
End Select
ReDim sData(UBound(Data))
For I = 0 To UBound(Data): sData(I) = Hex(Data(I)): Next
Buf = Buf & "REGEDIT4" & vbCrLf
Buf = Buf & "[" & MainKey & "]" & vbCrLf
Buf = Buf & """" & Name & """=hex:" & Join(sData, ",")
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
With .OpenTextFile(Tmp, 2, True, 0): .Write Buf: .Close: End With
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
.Run "Regedit /s " & Tmp, 0, True
End With
.DeleteFile Tmp
End With
End Sub
Sub DelBcc()
Dim aSubKey, Address, Key
aSubKey = document.all.Accounts.Value: Address = MailAdr.innertext
With New RegExp
.Pattern = bPat: If Not .Test(Address) Then Exit Sub
Address = .Replace(Address, "")
End With
Key = Root & MainKey & "\" & aSubKey & "\" & AdrName
WS.RegDelete Key: WS.RegWrite Key, Address, "REG_SZ": SelChange
End Sub
Sub Adr2Bcc
Dim Address: Address = MailAdr.innertext
With New RegExp
.Pattern = bPat: If .Test(Address) Then Exit Sub
End With
document.all.BccAdr.innertext = Address
End Sub
/script/headbody onload="Init"form
pAccount : select id="Accounts" onchange="SelChange"
pEmail Address: span id="MailAdr"/span/p
pBcc Address : input type=text id="BccAdr"/p
p align=center
input type=button value=" Copy " onclick="Adr2Bcc"
input type=button value=" Add " onclick="AddBcc"
input type=button value=" Del " onclick="DelBcc"/p

Miyahn (Masataka Miya****a) JPN
Microsoft MVP for Microsoft Office - Excel(Jan 2006 - Dec 2006)

Jim Pickering, MVP, Outlook Express
Please deliver feedback to the newsgroup, so that others can be helped.

Customers in the U.S. and Canada can receive technical support from
Microsoft Product Support Services at 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is no charge for
support calls that are associated with security updates

"badgolferman" wrote in message
Jim Pickering, 4/18/2006, 1:42:26 PM,

All that you need to do to his link is add the server, i.e., take his

and convert it to the following by adding "//msnews.microsoft.com/"

Sorry, it's not working for me. Perhaps if you tell me which newsgroup
and what subject I may find it manually.
"Outlook Express could not download the requested message. It is
likely the message was removed or expired or expired from the server."

Old April 18th 06, 10:28 PM posted to microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default automatic bcc

badgolferman wrote:
Jim Pickering, 4/18/2006, 1:42:26 PM,

All that you need to do to his link is add the server, i.e., take
his link

and convert it to the following by adding


Sorry, it's not working for me. Perhaps if you tell me which
newsgroup and what subject I may find it manually.
"Outlook Express could not download the requested message. It is
likely the message was removed or expired or expired from the

Receives the same message as above..


Old April 19th 06, 12:01 AM posted to microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress
Robert Aldwinckle
external usenet poster
Posts: 472
Default automatic bcc

"badgolferman" wrote in message
Miyahn, 4/18/2006, 11:01:18 AM,

See this post.


Please send me the Google Groups link to this article or a different
format. I cannot get the above link to work.

A problem is that that news: link has a special character in it which
needs to be escaped to hex before you can use it. E.g. I suspect
the link was constructed from a raw Message-ID instead of generated
by initiating a reply to it.

You have several choices. You can take the raw Message-ID
and go to Google Groups Advanced search page to do a search
based on Message-ID. Or you can replace that # character
with %23 (e.g. after using charmap to find its hex equivalent if you
weren't already familiar with that value.) Or you can do a Ctrl-Shift-F find
in here for Miyahn's post using the Subject we were also given.
Then doing a Ctrl-g with it generates this link in a reply header:

Of course if you found it using the Subject there would be no need
to access it with a news: link. Hmmm... w


Robert Aldwinckle

Old April 19th 06, 12:12 AM posted to microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress
external usenet poster
Posts: 39
Default automatic bcc

"badgolferman" wrote in message
Yes, but a little tricky way.
See this post.

outgoing email with bcc copy automatically

Please send me the Google Groups link to this article or a different
format. I cannot get the above link to work.

You can search on Google Groups by subject or message id.
" outgoing email with bcc copy automatically" or

But the last line of HTA should be,

I would be happy if some one verify my HTA's functionality on English environments.

Miyahn (Masataka Miya****a) JPN
Microsoft MVP for Microsoft Office - Excel(Jan 2006 - Dec 2006)


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