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-   -   How do I change "Save As" option from .BMP to .JPG? (http://www.outlookbanter.com/outlook-express/17021-how-do-i-change-save.html)

BRB June 6th 06 06:18 PM

How do I change "Save As" option from .BMP to .JPG?
I am using Win2k+SP4 and ie6. In saving internet photos, I can sometimes
save them in Jpg format and at other times the option seems to be solely
..bmp. I cannot find a way to change it to provide a choice. Is there one?


Vincenzo Di Russo [MVP] June 6th 06 06:21 PM

How do I change "Save As" option from .BMP to .JPG?
BRB wrote:

I am using Win2k+SP4 and ie6. In saving internet photos, I can sometimes
save them in Jpg format and at other times the option seems to be solely
.bmp. I cannot find a way to change it to provide a choice. Is there one?


"Internet Explorer saves images as bitmaps (.bmp Files)".
"Internet Explorer does not save graphics files in the proper format"
"Unable to save images in proper format ".
"JPGs will only save as BMP".

From: http://blogs.msdn.com/jeffdav/
(Jeff Davis - Microsoft Software Design Engineer IE Team):
"Why IE will only let you save as BMP".
"More on why ie will only let you save as bmp ...and why View - Source
sometimes stops working."

This is a newsgroup for Outlook Express.
IE6 Newsgroup:
IE General newsgroup:

Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft MVP - Most Valuable Professional
Windows - Internet Explorer since 2003
My Blog: http://blogs.dotnethell.it/vincent/
My Home: http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/

Chris Barnes June 6th 06 06:29 PM

How do I change "Save As" option from .BMP to .JPG?
BRB wrote:
I am using Win2k+SP4 and ie6. In saving internet photos, I can
sometimes save them in Jpg format and at other times the option seems
to be solely .bmp. I cannot find a way to change it to provide a
choice. Is there one?



+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Chris Barnes AOL IM: CNBarnes
Yahoo IM: chrisnbarnes
Computer Systems Manager MSN IM:

Department of Physics ph: 979-845-7801
Texas A&M University fax: 979-845-2590

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE June 6th 06 06:42 PM

How do I change "Save As" option from .BMP to .JPG?
"BRB" wrote in message
I am using Win2k+SP4 and ie6. In saving internet photos, I can sometimes
save them in Jpg format and at other times the option seems to be solely
.bmp. I cannot find a way to change it to provide a choice. Is there one?


That happens when the Temporary Internet Files are too full. In IE click
Tools | Internet Options. Click Delete Files in the Temporary Internet
files section of the General tab. On the next window place a check mark in
the box to Delete all offline content.

If that doesn't fix it, go to Tools | Internet Options | Advanced and scroll
down to the Security section. Uncheck "Do not save encrypted pages to

Click Start/Run and type this command to fix the 'Content Type' settings:

regsvr32 /i mshtml.dll
regsvr32 /i shimgvw.dll (for WinXP)

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
"Anyone who prefers security over freedom deserves neither."

BRB June 7th 06 03:08 PM

How do I change "Save As" option from .BMP to .JPG?
Thanks to all three of you; I have tried all of these solutions without
success. Any more ideas?


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, OE/WM June 7th 06 04:13 PM

How do I change "Save As" option from .BMP to .JPG?
"BRB" wrote in message
. ..
Thanks to all three of you; I have tried all of these solutions without
success. Any more ideas?


You can use an imaging program to change the format. This one is good and
it's free:
IrfanView: http://www.irfanview.com

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, OE/WM
Please reply in newsgroup.

BRB June 7th 06 04:41 PM

How do I change "Save As" option from .BMP to .JPG?
Thanks, Frank, I already have it and use it extensively, but had hoped that
somehow I might evade the errant software and find a solution that gave me a
more desirable choice. You fellows do an outstanding job and deserve our
utmost support.

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