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msk2000 December 20th 07 08:10 AM

Three men of spiritual value who had not joined the army were
subjected by the Prophet (pbuh) to the discipline of waiting for
Allah's forgiveness. For fifty days no one spoke to them. Finally,
Allah revealed a verse to the Prophet (pbuh) which declared that these
three men were forgiven:
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
"Allah hath turned in mercy to the Prophet, and to the Muhajirin and
the Ansar who followed him in the hour of hardship. After the hearts
of a party of them had almost swerved aside, then He turned unto them
in mercy. Lo! He is full of Pity, Merciful. And to the three also (did
He turn in mercy) who were left behind, when the earth, vast as it is,
was straitened for them, and their own souls were straitened for them
till they understood that there is no refuge from Allah save toward
Him. Then He turned unto them in mercy that they (too) might turn
(repentant unto Him).
Lo! Allah! He is the Relenting, the Merciful. O you who believe! Be
careful of your duty to Allah, and be with tile truthful". (Koran ix.
The Farewell Pilgrimage

The Prophet (pbuh) had become the most powerful leader in the whole of
Arabia. After the idols in the Ka'bah had been smashed and Quraysh had
become Muslim, most of the other tribes of Arabia came to declare
their Islam. The year in which they came was later to be called the
Year of Deputations. As each tribe joined Islam, the Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) sent his men to teach them about their new religion. Many
people also came to Medinah to question the Prophet (pbuh) himself.
One tribe sent a man called Dimam, who was large and strong. On
arriving in Medinah, he went straight to the mosque, where the
Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was sitting with some of his companions, and
stood over the Prophet (pbuh). In a loud, rough voice he asked, 'Which
of you is the son of 'Abd al-Muttalib?' When the Prophet (pbuh)
answered him Dimam went on,
'I am going to ask you a hard question, so do not misunderstand me. I
ask you to swear by Allah, your Allah, the Allah of those before you
and the Allah of those who will come after you, has He sent you to us
as a messenger?' 'Yes, He has', replied the Prophet (pbuh). 'Has Allah
instructed you to order us to serve Him; to pray these five prayers;
to pay alms; to fast; to make the pilgrimage and to follow the other
laws of Islam)?' continued Dimam. When the Prophet (pbuh) answered
that Allah had indeed instructed him in this way, Dimam became a
Muslim and, as he left, added, 'Then I will do the things we are told
to do and avoid the things we are forbidden-no more and no less.` As
Dimam mounted his camel to leave, the Prophet(pbuh) told the people
around him, 'If this man is sincere, he will go to Paradise.' When
Dimam reached his people they all thought he had gone mad but by
nightfall, after he had finished speaking, there was not among one
them that had not accepted Islam.
When the time came for the yearly pilgrimage, it was proclaimed that
the prophet (pbuh) would be going to Mecca. The Muslims flocked to
Medinah from all over Arabia to join him on his journey to the Ka'bah.
As the tribes arrived they camped around the city until they finally
numbered more than thirty thousand.
The Prophet (pbuh) went out with his family and friends to pilgrimage,
but before setting off, he led all the Muslims in prayer. After the
prayers, the Prophet (pbuh) got on his camel and headed towards Mecca
followed by the pilgrims, all of whom, for the first time in
centuries, worshipped Allah, the One God. The Prophet (pbuh) and his
companions were deeply moved by the sight of the huge number of
Muslims accompanying them to Mecca, carrying no arms, and fearing no
one. They could not help but remember their original flight from Mecca
when they had been so few in number and were forced to leave in order
to avoid the anger of Quraysh. Throughout the journey the Muslims
repeated a prayer taught to them by the Prophet (pbuh) which he in
turn had received from the Archangel Gabriel.
This prayer, the talbiyah, has been part of the Hajj ritual ever
since. It is in answer to the call Abraham was commanded to make when
he and Ishmael finished building the Ka'bah.
Labaik Allahumma labaik, labaik la sharika laka labaik in al-hamd wa
al-ni'amatu laka wal-mulk, la sharika laka. Here I am, O Allah, at Thy
service. Here I am, Thou art without partner, here I am. All Praise
and blessings are thine, and Dominion! Thou art without partner!
After ten days the pilgrims marched at sunset through the same pass by
which they had entered on the Day of Conquest of Mecca. When they
reached the Ka'bah, the Prophet (pbuh) stood before it in prayer, then
he and all the Muslims walked around it seven times saying their
prayer aloud. Next, just as Abraham had done, they went towards the
Mount of Mercy at 'Arafah, which the Prophet (pbuh) ascended on a
camel. From the mountain he led the people in prayer and then spoke to
them as they stood assembled on the vast plain below.
What the Prophet (pbuh) said is known as the 'Farewell Sermon',
because it was the last speech the Prophet (pbuh) made before he died.
He said, 'surely you will meet your Lord and He will question you
about your works.' He asked the Muslims to take their guidance from
the Koran and from his own example. This, he said, was the best way to
live. He ordered them to cease living in the way they had before
Revenge, one of the oldest traditions in Arabia, was ended forever;
usury was prohibited; property was to be respected. Things which
previously were forbidden during the four sacred months of the year
were now forbidden at all times. He then commanded, 'Know that every
Muslim is a Muslim's brother', which was a completely new idea to the
tribes who had so often quarreled in the past. He also said, 'Allah
has given everyone his due-exactly what each one deserves. After each
point the Prophet (pbuh) asked,
'Have I explained it well? Is it perfectly clear?' Everyone answered,
'Yes.' For these were the people who would have to pass on the
Prophet's message and instructions to those who were unable to be
present that day and to future generations. The Prophet (pbuh) said,
'I have left you two things. If you hold on to them you will be saved.
They are Allah's Book and the words of your Prophet.' He then asked,
'Have I not conveyed the message?' The multitude shouted out, 'By
Allah, yes!' The Prophet (pbuh) ended, '0 Allah! Bear witness to
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
". This day those who disbelieve are in despair of (ever harming) your
religion; so do not fear them, but fear Me! This day I have perfected
your religion, for you, and I have completed My favor unto you, and
have chosen for you as a religion AL-ISLAM". (Koran v.3) Many Muslims
started to shed tears, knowing that if the Prophet (pbuh) had
completed his message, his life must be near its end.

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