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-   -   mailing pictures (http://www.outlookbanter.com/outlook-express/7081-mailing-pictures.html)

dalenherb March 3rd 06 08:10 PM

mailing pictures
I would like to be able to just click on a picture and then right click and
go to send to mail recipient via outlook express vice Microsoft outlook so
am looking for away to do that instead of using insert in outlook express.
don't know if that is possible.

Bruce Hagen March 3rd 06 08:21 PM

mailing pictures
"vice Microsoft outlook"???

Are you saying it wants to send using MS Outlook rather than OE?

Make OE the default e-mail client:

See this if it still does not set as default:
Bruce Hagen
MS MVP - Outlook Express

"dalenherb" wrote in message
I would like to be able to just click on a picture and then right click and
go to send to mail recipient via outlook express vice Microsoft outlook so
am looking for away to do that instead of using insert in outlook express.
don't know if that is possible.

mac March 3rd 06 08:22 PM

mailing pictures

"dalenherb" wrote in message
I would like to be able to just click on a picture and then right click and
go to send to mail recipient via outlook express vice Microsoft outlook so
am looking for away to do that instead of using insert in outlook express.
don't know if that is possible.

Open Internet Explorertoolsinternet optionsprogramsset OE as the default
mail program.

Regards Steve.

Weasel March 3rd 06 08:27 PM

mailing pictures
Make OE your Default mail handler. Find the pic right click send to/mail
recipient, click and follow the instructions.
"dalenherb" wrote in message
I would like to be able to just click on a picture and then right click

go to send to mail recipient via outlook express vice Microsoft outlook so
am looking for away to do that instead of using insert in outlook express.
don't know if that is possible.

puri montanes March 3rd 06 08:58 PM

mailing pictures
wat is dit..
"dalenherb" schreef in bericht
I would like to be able to just click on a picture and then right click and
go to send to mail recipient via outlook express vice Microsoft outlook so
am looking for away to do that instead of using insert in outlook express.
don't know if that is possible.

dalenherb March 3rd 06 10:22 PM

mailing pictures
I have done all the things that were listed. first outlook express is the
default mail client however whenever I go through the routine to send to
recipient it tries to go via Microsoft outlook. when I type in the "prgm
files\outlook express as indicated in how to make oe my default mail client
nothing happens the pgm says not found in addition when I try do edit the
registry it can not find the hkey-local ...outlook express so I am at my
wits end..thx
" mac" wrote in message

"dalenherb" wrote in message
I would like to be able to just click on a picture and then right click
and go to send to mail recipient via outlook express vice Microsoft
outlook so am looking for away to do that instead of using insert in
outlook express. don't know if that is possible.

Open Internet Explorertoolsinternet optionsprogramsset OE as the
default mail program.

Regards Steve.

Miyahn March 4th 06 12:51 AM

mailing pictures
"dalenherb" wrote in message
I would like to be able to just click on a picture and then right click and
go to send to mail recipient via outlook express vice Microsoft outlook so
am looking for away to do that instead of using insert in outlook express.
don't know if that is possible.

I use the following HTA to switch mail client invoked by SendTo - MailRecipient.
This HTA does not change mailto: protocol's setting.

!-- FileName : MyMailerEn.hta --
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=en-us"
titleSelection of Mail Client/title
hta:application scroll="no"/
script language=vbs
Option Explicit
Const ClientKey = "Software\clients\mail\"
Const W = 300, H = 200: Dim Form
With window
.resizeTo W, H
.moveTo (screen.availWidth - W) \ 2, (screen.availHeight - H) \ 2
End With
Sub Initialize()
Dim Client, SubKeys, aSubKey, aOption
Set Form = document.all
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
On Error Resume Next
Client = .RegRead("HKCU\" & ClientKey)
If Err Then Client = .RegRead("HKLM\" & ClientKey)
On Error GoTo 0
End With
If EnumKey("HKLM\" & ClientKey, SubKeys) 0 Then Me.Close
For Each aSubKey In SubKeys
Set aOption = document.createElement("option")
aOption.innertext = aSubKey: aOption.value = aSubKey
If aSubKey = Client Then aOption.selected = True
End Sub
Sub SetClient
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
.RegWrite "HKCU\" & ClientKey, Form.Clients.value
If Form.CB1.Checked Then _
.RegWrite "HKLM\" & ClientKey, Form.Clients.value
End With
End Sub
Function EnumKey(ByVal MainKey, SubKeys)
Const HKLM = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", Tmp = "Temp.reg"
Dim Buf, Pat, cRes, aRes, aKey
Select Case Left(MainKey, 4)
Case "HKCR": MainKey = HKCR & Mid(Mainkey, 5)
Case "HKCU": MainKey = HKCU & Mid(Mainkey, 5)
Case "HKLM": MainKey = HKLM & Mid(Mainkey, 5)
End Select
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
.Run "Regedit /e " & Tmp & " """ & MainKey & """", 0, True
End With
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not .FileExists(Tmp) Then EnumKey = 1: Exit Function
With .OpenTextFile(Tmp, 1, False, -2)
Buf = .ReadAll: .Close
End With
.DeleteFile Tmp
End With
Pat = "\[" & Replace(MainKey, "\", "\\") & "\\([^\]\\]+)"
With New RegExp
.IgnoreCase = True: .Global = True
.Pattern = Pat: Set cRes = .Execute(Buf)
End With
If cRes.Count = 0 Then EnumKey = 1: Exit Function
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each aRes In cRes
aKey = aRes.SubMatches(0)
If Not .Exists(aKey) Then .Add aKey, ""
SubKeys = .Keys(): EnumKey = 0
End With
End Function
/script/headbody onload=Initializeform
pChange Mail Client invoked by br
   'SendTo - MailRecipient'br/p
pClient : select id=Clients/selectbr
input type=checkbox id=CB1Change also Default Client/p
p align=centerinput type=button value=Set onclick=SetClient
    input type=button value=Quit onclick=close/p

Miyahn (Masataka Miya****a) JPN
Microsoft MVP for Microsoft Office - Excel(Jan 2006 - Dec 2006)

oldad March 4th 06 01:52 AM

mailing pictures

"dalenherb" wrote in message
I would like to be able to just click on a picture and then right click and
go to send to mail recipient via outlook express vice Microsoft outlook so
am looking for away to do that instead of using insert in outlook express.
don't know if that is possible.

mac March 4th 06 02:18 AM

mailing pictures

"dalenherb" wrote in message
I have done all the things that were listed. first outlook express is the
default mail client however whenever I go through the routine to send to
recipient it tries to go via Microsoft outlook. when I type in the "prgm
files\outlook express as indicated in how to make oe my default mail client
nothing happens the pgm says not found in addition when I try do edit the
registry it can not find the hkey-local ...outlook express so I am at my
wits end..thx

You need to do all the things listed, especially in the post from Bruce,
Then restart xp,

Regards Steve.

Kuay Tim March 4th 06 02:44 AM

mailing pictures
Hi dalenherb,

First, if OE is to be your default, and not Outlook, make sure Outlook is
not selected as the default client (in Outlook) | Tools | Options Other tab
(location for Outlook 2003).

Steve Cochran has a help item at his site which has more to say on Outlook
Express being the default mail client when Outlook 2003 is installed. Some
of the tips will work for other versions when making changes in the Windows
Control Panel.


Tim K.
aka Kuay Tim
MS-MVP - Outlook Express
Lynnwood, WA
"dalenherb" wrote in message
I have done all the things that were listed. first outlook express is the
default mail client however whenever I go through the routine to send to
recipient it tries to go via Microsoft outlook. when I type in the "prgm
files\outlook express as indicated in how to make oe my default mail client
nothing happens the pgm says not found in addition when I try do edit the
registry it can not find the hkey-local ...outlook express so I am at my
wits end..thx
" mac" wrote in message

"dalenherb" wrote in message
I would like to be able to just click on a picture and then right click
and go to send to mail recipient via outlook express vice Microsoft
outlook so am looking for away to do that instead of using insert in
outlook express. don't know if that is possible.

Open Internet Explorertoolsinternet optionsprogramsset OE as the
default mail program.

Regards Steve.

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