Outlook Banter

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-   -   How long will Bill Gates burn in hell? (http://www.outlookbanter.com/outlook-general-queries/20808-how-long-will-bill-gates.html)

Diane Poremsky [MVP] July 16th 06 12:47 AM

How long will Bill Gates burn in hell?
Um... outlook 97 was the first version of outlook, so there was no earlier
code to break. Outlook programming did change with the newer versions and
it's well worth upgrading to the newer versions if you are doing any
programming in outlook.

If I recall, office 97 was the first to use VBA, but old macros from
previous versions of word and excel worked. In most cases, code written in
office 97 will work in current versions but a few things will not work or
will not properly convert the old macros to vba.

Microsoft does allow software to be sold on eBay, provided it meets certain
conditions. I sold my office 97 disks there - like 5 yrs ago. It's more
likely that no one is listing it because it's unlikely anyone would want to
buy it.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Need Help with Common Tasks? http://www.outlook-tips.net/beginner/
Outlook 2007: http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ol2007/

Outlook Tips: http://www.outlook-tips.net/
Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center: http://www.slipstick.com
Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook newsletter:

"Tom" wrote in message
. ..
I dont think Microsoft allows Office 97 to be sold
on Ebay, and the reason that one would want to
purchase Office 97 is so they can run the visual
basic code written in it. I dont know if it is still
an issue but I know that Office 97 broke earlier
visual basic code.

"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message
If you are so set on using it instead of one of the newer versions (I can
think of a multitude of real reasons for upgrading to them) then try eBay
you didn't take care not to lose your disks - or ask a friend for his
You could look on file shares but pirates rarely bother with the old
crap -
they want the new stuff that is worth having.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Need Help with Common Tasks?
Outlook 2007: http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ol2007/

Outlook Tips: http://www.outlook-tips.net/
Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center: http://www.slipstick.com
Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook newsletter:

"Tom" wrote in message
. ..
OK, so where do I purchase my Office 97 disk
to install the damn program on my computer?

"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message
I'm curious as to how it applies to office 97.

If the program works for the user, on the users equipment, it's age
matter. Neither does official support - every known problem should be
Google by now and assistance for the few that aren't (or can't be
be found in forums such as this - no need to bother with Microsoft -
probably get it wrong anyway.

Availability of support from MS is low on my list of reasons to
older products - actually, it's not even on my list of reasons to

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Need Help with Common Tasks?
Outlook 2007: http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ol2007/

Outlook Tips: http://www.outlook-tips.net/
Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center: http://www.slipstick.com
Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook newsletter:

"Rose Madder" RoseMadder at Gmail.com wrote in message
10 years in the computer world is the equivalent of at least 100
the non-computer world.

Where do you get these statistics? Just curious. It's quite a
claim -
years equals a hundred years.

Not that I'm supporting the OP's silly diatribe, mind you.

Diane Poremsky [MVP] July 16th 06 12:51 AM

How long will Bill Gates burn in hell?
if you can find a pirated copy of office 97, it will install and run on
current versions of Windows - finding it is hard, not because of something
MS has done, but because pirates don't waste their time or disk space
providing such an old application that those who are willing to steal
software would want.

I would not want to run office 97 on Vista only because it's so slow,
crappy, and unstable. Office 2003 is so much better, faster, and more

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Need Help with Common Tasks? http://www.outlook-tips.net/beginner/
Outlook 2007: http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ol2007/

Outlook Tips: http://www.outlook-tips.net/
Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center: http://www.slipstick.com
Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook newsletter:

"Tom" wrote in message
. ..
There is no ten year old Gnu/Linux code that I know
of that I cannot get the source code for. Today,
it is impossible to install Office 97 on a computer
without a disk that one can no longer purchase.

Also what is to prevent Microsoft from writing
Windows so Office 97 will no longer be able to
run on it? If they have not done so already?

Patrick Schmid July 16th 06 02:09 AM

How long will Bill Gates burn in hell?
There is no ten year old Gnu/Linux code that I know
of that I cannot get the source code for. Today,
it is impossible to install Office 97 on a computer
without a disk that one can no longer purchase.

*shrugs* I can get a copy of any Office since 6.0 without a problem. I
can tell you exactly where I have that disk...

Patrick Schmid

"Patrick Schmid" wrote in message ...
Because in the Gnu/Linux world it is still supported.

Really? Post a link to a patch for a 10 year old Linux version. Not a
patch that also happens to work for a 10 year old version, but one
designed for it.

Further, we live in a world where we have to keep
track of too much stuff to begin with. It makes
no sense for people to support Microsoft so
they have to keep track of even more stuff like
reinstallation disks and Office 97 disks. In a Linux
world this is not an issue.

In the Linux world, you didn't pay hundreds of dollars for the disks. If
something is free or only a marginal cost I completely understand if you
lose track of it. If you paid for it, you better take care of what you

Patrick Schmid

"Patrick Schmid" wrote in message ...
Why should an almost 10 year old program (Office 97) still be supported?
10 years in the computer world is the equivalent of at least 100 years
in the non-computer world. Find me anything in the price range of Office
97 that is still being maintained & supported 100 years later.
It's not Microsoft's fault, if you can't keep any order in your stuff
and can't find your Windows disk. You should have taken better care of
what you bought.

Patrick Schmid

"Tom" wrote in message

After spending the last aggravating hour looking for
my windows reinstallation disk, I began wondering
if the billions that Gates is giving to charity is enough
to keep him from burning in hell.

Why is it that people are spending billions on
Microsoft and Office when Office 97 is no longer
even supported? Are people just stupid or is
Microsoft just evil? Why isnt Office 97 no longer

At the moment I happen to be relying on Office 97,
and it is not in the least bit comforting that Microsoft
no longer supports it.

I also know that Linux is the alternative to Microsoft
that would save people mountains of aggravation,
but since collectively people are morons or Microsoft
is incredibly evil, the vast majority of people are using
Microsoft. If Linux was the standard, people would
no longer have to worry that Office 97 was no longer

Do people enjoy having ulcers, Are people stupid?
And for how long will Bill Gates burn in hell?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook] July 16th 06 02:22 AM

How long will Bill Gates burn in hell?
Would you believe that they still "sell" Office 95 on eBay, and for
considerable funds?

There must be so much fun parting a fool from his money.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Diane Poremsky [MVP] asked:

| Um... outlook 97 was the first version of outlook, so there was no
| earlier code to break. Outlook programming did change with the newer
| versions and it's well worth upgrading to the newer versions if you
| are doing any programming in outlook.
| If I recall, office 97 was the first to use VBA, but old macros from
| previous versions of word and excel worked. In most cases, code
| written in office 97 will work in current versions but a few things
| will not work or will not properly convert the old macros to vba.
| Microsoft does allow software to be sold on eBay, provided it meets
| certain conditions. I sold my office 97 disks there - like 5 yrs ago.
| It's more likely that no one is listing it because it's unlikely
| anyone would want to buy it.
| "Tom" wrote in message
| . ..
|| I dont think Microsoft allows Office 97 to be sold
|| on Ebay, and the reason that one would want to
|| purchase Office 97 is so they can run the visual
|| basic code written in it. I dont know if it is still
|| an issue but I know that Office 97 broke earlier
|| visual basic code.
|| "Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message
|| ...
||| If you are so set on using it instead of one of the newer versions
||| (I can think of a multitude of real reasons for upgrading to them)
||| then try eBay if
||| you didn't take care not to lose your disks - or ask a friend for
||| his disks.
||| You could look on file shares but pirates rarely bother with the old
||| crap -
||| they want the new stuff that is worth having.
||| --
||| Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
||| Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
||| Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
||| Need Help with Common Tasks? http://www.outlook-tips.net/beginner/
||| Outlook 2007: http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ol2007/
||| Outlook Tips: http://www.outlook-tips.net/
||| Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center: http://www.slipstick.com
||| Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook newsletter:
||| "Tom" wrote in message
||| . ..
|||| OK, so where do I purchase my Office 97 disk
|||| to install the damn program on my computer?
|||| "Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message
|||| ...
||||| I'm curious as to how it applies to office 97.
||||| If the program works for the user, on the users equipment, it's
||||| age doesn't
||||| matter. Neither does official support - every known problem
||||| should be in
||||| Google by now and assistance for the few that aren't (or can't be
||||| found)
||||| can
||||| be found in forums such as this - no need to bother with
||||| Microsoft - they'll
||||| probably get it wrong anyway.
||||| Availability of support from MS is low on my list of reasons to
||||| upgrade
||||| from
||||| older products - actually, it's not even on my list of reasons to
||||| upgrade.
||||| --
||||| Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
||||| Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
||||| Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
||||| Need Help with Common Tasks?
||||| Outlook 2007: http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ol2007/
||||| Outlook Tips: http://www.outlook-tips.net/
||||| Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center: http://www.slipstick.com
||||| Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook newsletter:
||||| "Rose Madder" RoseMadder at Gmail.com wrote in message
||||| ...
||||||| 10 years in the computer world is the equivalent of at least 100
||||||| years
||||||| in
||||||| the non-computer world.
|||||| Where do you get these statistics? Just curious. It's quite a
|||||| claim -
|||||| ten
|||||| years equals a hundred years.
|||||| Not that I'm supporting the OP's silly diatribe, mind you.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook] July 16th 06 02:28 AM

How long will Bill Gates burn in hell?
Outlook 2000 was the first Outlook version to have an integrated VBA environment, FWIW.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message ...

If I recall, office 97 was the first to use VBA, but old macros from
previous versions of word and excel worked. In most cases, code written in
office 97 will work in current versions but a few things will not work or
will not properly convert the old macros to vba.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP July 16th 06 03:32 AM

How long will Bill Gates burn in hell?
Aloha Tom,

Just say you haven't looked and leave it at that. Go to eBay, buy your CD
(you can get it for $30 or $40 probably) and this time be sure to keep track
of it.

As for the code, I've written code for versions of Office for the last 10
years and I have code written for Office 2007 too.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

I dont think Microsoft allows Office 97 to be sold
on Ebay, and the reason that one would want to
purchase Office 97 is so they can run the visual
basic code written in it. I dont know if it is still
an issue but I know that Office 97 broke earlier
visual basic code.
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message

If you are so set on using it instead of one of the newer versions (I
can think of a multitude of real reasons for upgrading to them) then
try eBay if you didn't take care not to lose your disks - or ask a
friend for his disks. You could look on file shares but pirates
rarely bother with the old crap - they want the new stuff that is
worth having.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Need Help with Common Tasks? http://www.outlook-tips.net/beginner/
Outlook 2007: http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ol2007/
Outlook Tips: http://www.outlook-tips.net/
Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center: http://www.slipstick.com
Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook newsletter:

"Tom" wrote in message
. ..
OK, so where do I purchase my Office 97 disk
to install the damn program on my computer?
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message

I'm curious as to how it applies to office 97.

If the program works for the user, on the users equipment, it's age
matter. Neither does official support - every known problem should
be in
Google by now and assistance for the few that aren't (or can't be
be found in forums such as this - no need to bother with Microsoft
probably get it wrong anyway.
Availability of support from MS is low on my list of reasons to
older products - actually, it's not even on my list of reasons to
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Need Help with Common Tasks?
Outlook 2007: http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ol2007/
Outlook Tips: http://www.outlook-tips.net/
Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center: http://www.slipstick.com
Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook newsletter:

"Rose Madder" RoseMadder at Gmail.com wrote in message

10 years in the computer world is the equivalent of at least 100
the non-computer world.
Where do you get these statistics? Just curious. It's quite a
claim -
years equals a hundred years.
Not that I'm supporting the OP's silly diatribe, mind you.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP July 16th 06 03:38 AM

How long will Bill Gates burn in hell?
Aloha Tom,

You can purchase it - I spent 15 seconds searching and found dozens of places
selling it. I don't know if Office 97 will run on Windows XP or not, I assume
it will, but none of my clients who run an OS newer than Windows 98 are still
using Office 97 so I can't say for sure.

At the end of the day Microsoft can sell whatever products they want and
you can buy whatever products you want. If you're so excited about Linux
then fire it up and load OpenOffice and have a great time. I've got a couple
of Linux boxes and there's nothing wrong with OpenOffice if that's what you

Furthermore there is no reason why Microsoft should be obligated to continue
to support long-since outdated versions of their software. As LanWench so
astutely pointed out if you call Ford or Chevy and ask for parts to a 60-year
old car you're likely to get told they don't make them anymore.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

There is no ten year old Gnu/Linux code that I know of that I cannot
get the source code for. Today, it is impossible to install Office 97
on a computer without a disk that one can no longer purchase.

Also what is to prevent Microsoft from writing
Windows so Office 97 will no longer be able to
run on it? If they have not done so already?
"Patrick Schmid" wrote in message

Because in the Gnu/Linux world it is still supported.

Really? Post a link to a patch for a 10 year old Linux version. Not a
patch that also happens to work for a 10 year old version, but one
designed for it.

Further, we live in a world where we have to keep
track of too much stuff to begin with. It makes
no sense for people to support Microsoft so
they have to keep track of even more stuff like
reinstallation disks and Office 97 disks. In a Linux
world this is not an issue.

In the Linux world, you didn't pay hundreds of dollars for the disks.
If something is free or only a marginal cost I completely understand
if you lose track of it. If you paid for it, you better take care of
what you bought.

Patrick Schmid
"Patrick Schmid" wrote in message

Why should an almost 10 year old program (Office 97) still be
10 years in the computer world is the equivalent of at least 100
in the non-computer world. Find me anything in the price range of
97 that is still being maintained & supported 100 years later.
It's not Microsoft's fault, if you can't keep any order in your
and can't find your Windows disk. You should have taken better care
what you bought.
Patrick Schmid
"Tom" wrote in message
After spending the last aggravating hour looking for
my windows reinstallation disk, I began wondering
if the billions that Gates is giving to charity is enough
to keep him from burning in hell.
Why is it that people are spending billions on Microsoft and
Office when Office 97 is no longer even supported? Are people
just stupid or is Microsoft just evil? Why isnt Office 97 no
longer supported?

At the moment I happen to be relying on Office 97,
and it is not in the least bit comforting that Microsoft
no longer supports it.
I also know that Linux is the alternative to Microsoft
that would save people mountains of aggravation,
but since collectively people are morons or Microsoft
is incredibly evil, the vast majority of people are using
Microsoft. If Linux was the standard, people would
no longer have to worry that Office 97 was no longer
Do people enjoy having ulcers, Are people stupid? And for how
long will Bill Gates burn in hell?

Tom July 16th 06 07:52 AM

How long will Bill Gates burn in hell?
I happen to have a Debian box running in my office,
and I am convinced that within the next ten years
Microsoft office will be history. OpenOffice is not
quite there yet, but certainly not because of outlook
where I believe Linux is already far superior.

The question is why you are supporting Microsoft
with your time and money?

And further a car and Microsoft office are two different things entirely. Microsoft is not supporting
Office 97 to force users to pony up more dollars,
no more and no less. This makes it more imperative
for people to support open source to get off of this
hamster wheel.

And I am watching a show right now on the history
channel where people are restoring old cars, and
certainly the problems here have nothing to do with
floppies and disks.

"Ben M. Schorr - MVP" wrote in message .com...
Aloha Tom,

You can purchase it - I spent 15 seconds searching and found dozens of places
selling it. I don't know if Office 97 will run on Windows XP or not, I assume
it will, but none of my clients who run an OS newer than Windows 98 are still
using Office 97 so I can't say for sure.

At the end of the day Microsoft can sell whatever products they want and
you can buy whatever products you want. If you're so excited about Linux
then fire it up and load OpenOffice and have a great time. I've got a couple
of Linux boxes and there's nothing wrong with OpenOffice if that's what you

Furthermore there is no reason why Microsoft should be obligated to continue
to support long-since outdated versions of their software. As LanWench so
astutely pointed out if you call Ford or Chevy and ask for parts to a 60-year
old car you're likely to get told they don't make them anymore.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

There is no ten year old Gnu/Linux code that I know of that I cannot
get the source code for. Today, it is impossible to install Office 97
on a computer without a disk that one can no longer purchase.

Also what is to prevent Microsoft from writing
Windows so Office 97 will no longer be able to
run on it? If they have not done so already?
"Patrick Schmid" wrote in message

Because in the Gnu/Linux world it is still supported.

Really? Post a link to a patch for a 10 year old Linux version. Not a
patch that also happens to work for a 10 year old version, but one
designed for it.

Further, we live in a world where we have to keep
track of too much stuff to begin with. It makes
no sense for people to support Microsoft so
they have to keep track of even more stuff like
reinstallation disks and Office 97 disks. In a Linux
world this is not an issue.
In the Linux world, you didn't pay hundreds of dollars for the disks.
If something is free or only a marginal cost I completely understand
if you lose track of it. If you paid for it, you better take care of
what you bought.

Patrick Schmid
"Patrick Schmid" wrote in message

Why should an almost 10 year old program (Office 97) still be
10 years in the computer world is the equivalent of at least 100
in the non-computer world. Find me anything in the price range of
97 that is still being maintained & supported 100 years later.
It's not Microsoft's fault, if you can't keep any order in your
and can't find your Windows disk. You should have taken better care
what you bought.
Patrick Schmid
"Tom" wrote in message
After spending the last aggravating hour looking for
my windows reinstallation disk, I began wondering
if the billions that Gates is giving to charity is enough
to keep him from burning in hell.
Why is it that people are spending billions on Microsoft and
Office when Office 97 is no longer even supported? Are people
just stupid or is Microsoft just evil? Why isnt Office 97 no
longer supported?

At the moment I happen to be relying on Office 97,
and it is not in the least bit comforting that Microsoft
no longer supports it.
I also know that Linux is the alternative to Microsoft
that would save people mountains of aggravation,
but since collectively people are morons or Microsoft
is incredibly evil, the vast majority of people are using
Microsoft. If Linux was the standard, people would
no longer have to worry that Office 97 was no longer
Do people enjoy having ulcers, Are people stupid? And for how
long will Bill Gates burn in hell?

Patrick Schmid July 16th 06 08:00 AM

How long will Bill Gates burn in hell?
Everyone has their convictions. I prefer to use the Office suite that is
"there" already instead of waiting 5 years or even longer till
OpenOffice has played enough catch-up (if it ever will).
Why are you supporting Sun therefore with your time and maybe money?
OpenOffice might be open source code, but it is still controlled by a
big corporation.

Patrick Schmid

"Tom" wrote in message

I happen to have a Debian box running in my office,
and I am convinced that within the next ten years
Microsoft office will be history. OpenOffice is not
quite there yet, but certainly not because of outlook
where I believe Linux is already far superior.

The question is why you are supporting Microsoft
with your time and money?

And further a car and Microsoft office are two different things entirely. Microsoft is not supporting
Office 97 to force users to pony up more dollars,
no more and no less. This makes it more imperative
for people to support open source to get off of this
hamster wheel.

And I am watching a show right now on the history
channel where people are restoring old cars, and
certainly the problems here have nothing to do with
floppies and disks.

"Ben M. Schorr - MVP" wrote in message .com...
Aloha Tom,

You can purchase it - I spent 15 seconds searching and found dozens of places
selling it. I don't know if Office 97 will run on Windows XP or not, I assume
it will, but none of my clients who run an OS newer than Windows 98 are still
using Office 97 so I can't say for sure.

At the end of the day Microsoft can sell whatever products they want and
you can buy whatever products you want. If you're so excited about Linux
then fire it up and load OpenOffice and have a great time. I've got a couple
of Linux boxes and there's nothing wrong with OpenOffice if that's what you

Furthermore there is no reason why Microsoft should be obligated to continue
to support long-since outdated versions of their software. As LanWench so
astutely pointed out if you call Ford or Chevy and ask for parts to a 60-year
old car you're likely to get told they don't make them anymore.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

There is no ten year old Gnu/Linux code that I know of that I cannot
get the source code for. Today, it is impossible to install Office 97
on a computer without a disk that one can no longer purchase.

Also what is to prevent Microsoft from writing
Windows so Office 97 will no longer be able to
run on it? If they have not done so already?
"Patrick Schmid" wrote in message

Because in the Gnu/Linux world it is still supported.

Really? Post a link to a patch for a 10 year old Linux version. Not a
patch that also happens to work for a 10 year old version, but one
designed for it.

Further, we live in a world where we have to keep
track of too much stuff to begin with. It makes
no sense for people to support Microsoft so
they have to keep track of even more stuff like
reinstallation disks and Office 97 disks. In a Linux
world this is not an issue.
In the Linux world, you didn't pay hundreds of dollars for the disks.
If something is free or only a marginal cost I completely understand
if you lose track of it. If you paid for it, you better take care of
what you bought.

Patrick Schmid
"Patrick Schmid" wrote in message

Why should an almost 10 year old program (Office 97) still be
10 years in the computer world is the equivalent of at least 100
in the non-computer world. Find me anything in the price range of
97 that is still being maintained & supported 100 years later.
It's not Microsoft's fault, if you can't keep any order in your
and can't find your Windows disk. You should have taken better care
what you bought.
Patrick Schmid
"Tom" wrote in message
After spending the last aggravating hour looking for
my windows reinstallation disk, I began wondering
if the billions that Gates is giving to charity is enough
to keep him from burning in hell.
Why is it that people are spending billions on Microsoft and
Office when Office 97 is no longer even supported? Are people
just stupid or is Microsoft just evil? Why isnt Office 97 no
longer supported?

At the moment I happen to be relying on Office 97,
and it is not in the least bit comforting that Microsoft
no longer supports it.
I also know that Linux is the alternative to Microsoft
that would save people mountains of aggravation,
but since collectively people are morons or Microsoft
is incredibly evil, the vast majority of people are using
Microsoft. If Linux was the standard, people would
no longer have to worry that Office 97 was no longer
Do people enjoy having ulcers, Are people stupid? And for how
long will Bill Gates burn in hell?

Ben M. Schorr - MVP July 16th 06 09:15 AM

How long will Bill Gates burn in hell?
Aloha Tom,

I happen to have a Debian box running in my office,

And yet you waste your time with Office 97? Interesting.

and I am convinced
that within the next ten years Microsoft office will be history.

You're entitled to your opinion, of course.

OpenOffice is not quite there yet, but certainly not because of
outlook where I believe Linux is already far superior.

See above.

The question is why you are supporting Microsoft
with your time and money?

Because it gets the job done and it's what our clients rely upon. It's a
tool, nothing more. I haven't the time or the patience for these juvenile
religious wars over software. I use the tool that gets the job done; sometimes
that's Windows/Office, sometimes that's Linux, sometimes it's a Mac.

And further a car and Microsoft office are two different things

Then you clearly don't understand the analogy.

Microsoft is not supporting Office 97 to force users to pony up more dollars,

no more and no less.

You're entitled to your opinion. There's obviously little point in discussing
it with you.

This makes it more imperative for people to support open source to get

off of this
hamster wheel.

And now the true reason for your posting in this forum becomes obvious to

And I am watching a show right now on the history channel where people
are restoring old cars, and certainly the problems here have nothing
to do with floppies and disks.

See above.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

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