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WCH September 1st 06 04:21 PM

I see you
Well, not really, but I used Google Earth to zoom in on the Flatiron
Building. You can get so close you can see the utilities on the roof,
the hydrants on the street, the little parkish area across 5th Avenue,
etc etc. Cool! Now tell me where your office is (like where is Peter's
window, what floor and facing what street). Google Earth lets you zoom
in all directions so I'll be able to turn the map to see that window.
Silly I know but still a connection on some level.

Pats looked good but not great last night. I didn't watch much more of
the game. I'm not sold on that USC guy as our ONLY back-up QB. I think
maybe their plan is to go with two and then see who's cut loose as the
season approaches/progresses. The defense looked good, although they
may be a little weak against runs up the middle.

Mom and I are thinking about coming to NYC the third weekend in
September (15-18). Just in the contemplation stage but do you know
about your availability that weekend?

TTFN (from WtP) --

Agent_C September 1st 06 04:44 PM

I see you
On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 10:21:40 -0400, WCH

Mom and I are thinking about coming to NYC the third weekend in
September (15-18). Just in the contemplation stage but do you know
about your availability that weekend?

When did Mom get paroled?

I'll be in town Saturday and Sunday, but I'm heading to DC for the day
on Monday. I might stay overnight, in which case we could all have
dinner perhaps.

So I guess those sores cleared up, aye?


WCH September 1st 06 08:11 PM

I see you
Agent_C wrote:
On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 10:21:40 -0400, WCH

Mom and I are thinking about coming to NYC the third weekend in
September (15-18). Just in the contemplation stage but do you know
about your availability that weekend?

When did Mom get paroled?

I'll be in town Saturday and Sunday, but I'm heading to DC for the day
on Monday. I might stay overnight, in which case we could all have
dinner perhaps.

So I guess those sores cleared up, aye?


Well, I guess I have one MORE problem with Outlook! I don't know how to
write a simple email to my kid without posting it to a newsgroup!

Agent_C September 1st 06 08:40 PM

I see you
On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 14:11:09 -0400, WCH

Well, I guess I have one MORE problem with Outlook!

User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)

I can't imagine why, as you're clearly using Thunderbird, not Outlook.


Chuck Davis September 2nd 06 04:24 PM

I see you
Suggestion, Use Outlook Express for the express purpose of reading
newsgroups- no e-mail.
"Agent_C" wrote in message
On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 14:11:09 -0400, WCH

Well, I guess I have one MORE problem with Outlook!

User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)

I can't imagine why, as you're clearly using Thunderbird, not Outlook.


Agent_C September 2nd 06 05:16 PM

I see you
On Sat, 2 Sep 2006 07:24:16 -0700, "Chuck Davis" newsgroup at
anthemwebs dot com wrote:

Suggestion, Use Outlook Express for the express purpose of reading
newsgroups- no e-mail.


1) Learn how to attribute your replies to the proper post.

2) Never, EVER recommend Outlook Express for newsgroup posting. It's
unquestionably the worst newsreader on the planet and will subject you
to ridicule from Usenet veterans.

Click he http://www.forteinc.com/agent/download.php and apply a
little initiative, to learn how to use this *real* newsreader.


aalaan September 2nd 06 11:29 PM

I see you

"Agent_C" wrote in message
... 2) Never, EVER recommend Outlook Express for newsgroup posting.

Sorry C, such ridicule as you claim sounds like a kind of eltism snobbery to
me. I find Outlook perfectly satisfactory, and I've been playing with the
Net since it got going properly in about 1984. Nonetheless, obviously a ng
is the wrong medium for a private email chat!

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange] September 3rd 06 03:29 AM

I see you
In ,
Agent_C typed:
On Sat, 2 Sep 2006 07:24:16 -0700, "Chuck Davis" newsgroup at
anthemwebs dot com wrote:

Suggestion, Use Outlook Express for the express purpose of reading
newsgroups- no e-mail.


1) Learn how to attribute your replies to the proper post.

2) Never, EVER recommend Outlook Express for newsgroup posting. It's
unquestionably the worst newsreader on the planet and will subject you
to ridicule from Usenet veterans.

Perhaps you meant to write:
"Worst. Newsreader...Ever."

I've just checked my psyche for emotional scarring, and I am relieved to see
that I've apparently surived this universal ridicule unscathed. Whew!

Click he http://www.forteinc.com/agent/download.php and apply a
little initiative, to learn how to use this *real* newsreader.

NB: OE, especially with OEQuoteFix, can work perfectly well. And yes, Forte
Agent can be great. So can other newsreaders. Anyway, pax. It's just a
newsgroup thread; no kittens were harmed.


Brian Tillman September 5th 06 02:53 PM

I see you
Agent_C wrote:

2) Never, EVER recommend Outlook Express for newsgroup posting. It's
unquestionably the worst newsreader on the planet and will subject you
to ridicule from Usenet veterans.

I've been using OE for newgroup posting for years, making me a "USENET
veteran". Not once have I ever been ridiculed for using it, because it
fulfills the purpose nicely. I do use other newsreaders as well for a few
groups because they suit the purposes of those groups better, but for most
groups, OE does the job with little fuss.

Your prejudices are showing.
Brian Tillman

aalaan September 5th 06 11:43 PM

I see you
Totally agreed. OE is fine and I was a *very* early Internet exponent (back
in the days of 300 baud text only)

"Brian Tillman" wrote in message
Agent_C wrote:

2) Never, EVER recommend Outlook Express for newsgroup posting. It's
unquestionably the worst newsreader on the planet and will subject you
to ridicule from Usenet veterans.

I've been using OE for newgroup posting for years, making me a "USENET
veteran". Not once have I ever been ridiculed for using it, because it
fulfills the purpose nicely. I do use other newsreaders as well for a few
groups because they suit the purposes of those groups better, but for most
groups, OE does the job with little fuss.

Your prejudices are showing.
Brian Tillman

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