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Warren Hall January 14th 07 08:24 PM

flaging MSN
I have just moved my e mail from msn to outlook, i want to have all my
folders in the personal folders amd mail dilliverd to their, out look will
not allow me to? and is their a way to have the msn in box display in the
prersonal folder inbox.
i want all mail from MSN to go to my Presomal Folder tree where all my out
look folder are? as well as the in box

Mary January 15th 07 02:26 AM

flaging MSN

"Warren Hall" wrote:

I have just moved my e mail from msn to outlook, i want to have all my
folders in the personal folders amd mail dilliverd to their, out look will
not allow me to? and is their a way to have the msn in box display in the
prersonal folder inbox.
i want all mail from MSN to go to my Presomal Folder tree where all my out
look folder are? as well as the in box

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