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-   -   Upgrade with errors (http://www.outlookbanter.com/outlook-general-queries/49464-upgrade-errors.html)

Hapkido June 1st 07 02:44 AM

Upgrade with errors
I just upgraded Office 2003 Pro to Office 2007 Pro on my Vista Ultimate
machine and everything went fine except for Outlook. The first time I tried
to open Outlook I got an error and it said to run "Setup" again. So, I
inserted the CD and ran the "Repair" option. This resolved the opening of
Outlook, but now hardly anything is accessible or functioning, e.g.,
Send/Receive, New message, Reply, etc... When clicking on any of those items
I get an error: "Not implemented". Another error I get in "Options" for some
items is: "An OLE registration error occurred. The program is not correctly
installed. Run Setup again for the program."

I tried to run "Setup" again choosing "Add or Remove Features", Outlook
shows as "Not Available".

Any ideas what is causing this or at least what I should do to resolve this
short of calling Microsoft at my expense?

DL June 1st 07 02:54 AM

Upgrade with errors
An installation issue is not a chargable Q to MS

"Hapkido" wrote in message
I just upgraded Office 2003 Pro to Office 2007 Pro on my Vista Ultimate
machine and everything went fine except for Outlook. The first time I

to open Outlook I got an error and it said to run "Setup" again. So, I
inserted the CD and ran the "Repair" option. This resolved the opening of
Outlook, but now hardly anything is accessible or functioning, e.g.,
Send/Receive, New message, Reply, etc... When clicking on any of those

I get an error: "Not implemented". Another error I get in "Options" for

items is: "An OLE registration error occurred. The program is not

installed. Run Setup again for the program."

I tried to run "Setup" again choosing "Add or Remove Features", Outlook
shows as "Not Available".

Any ideas what is causing this or at least what I should do to resolve

short of calling Microsoft at my expense?

Hapkido June 1st 07 05:36 PM

Upgrade with errors - RESOLVED
Thanks DL...... I was aware that certain issues with both Windows and Office
were not chargeable. However, I was not aware that installation issues were
included, i.e., exempt from Support charges. That's handy to know.

As to my particular issue, I decided to bite the big one and thus I
uninstalled the entire Office 2007 Pro suite and try a re-install. This
time, however, I didn't opt for the "Upgrade" option but rather chose
"Custom". I'm happy to report that everything went 100% and things are
working great. It's always nice to know WHY problems occurred, but in the
case, I'll forego the curiosity factor and simply enjoy the end result. :~)

"DL" address@invalid wrote in message
An installation issue is not a chargable Q to MS

"Hapkido" wrote in message
I just upgraded Office 2003 Pro to Office 2007 Pro on my Vista Ultimate
machine and everything went fine except for Outlook. The first time I

to open Outlook I got an error and it said to run "Setup" again. So, I
inserted the CD and ran the "Repair" option. This resolved the opening of
Outlook, but now hardly anything is accessible or functioning, e.g.,
Send/Receive, New message, Reply, etc... When clicking on any of those

I get an error: "Not implemented". Another error I get in "Options" for

items is: "An OLE registration error occurred. The program is not

installed. Run Setup again for the program."

I tried to run "Setup" again choosing "Add or Remove Features", Outlook
shows as "Not Available".

Any ideas what is causing this or at least what I should do to resolve

short of calling Microsoft at my expense?

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