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Aleksandar Draskovic June 5th 08 04:53 PM

Assigned Tasks in Outlook 2007 / Exchange 2007

i have following problem:

- my boss assigns me an task
- i am reassigning this task to somebody from my team
- my team member completes the task and sets its status to "done"
- task disappears from list of my active tasks, which is of course ok
- task doesn't dissapear from list of active tasks from my boss

Is it so by Outlook 2007 / Exchange 2007 design or could I configure this? I
would like that Task dissapears from Task List from my boss too...

Thank you.

Aleksandar Draskovic

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)[_224_] June 6th 08 01:07 AM

Assigned Tasks in Outlook 2007 / Exchange 2007
is the Task being Accepted at each step of the chain and are the Task
Updates opened as they arrive in each Inbox?



Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant www.pragmatix.com.au
Outlook 2003 user? Read "7 settings all Outlook 2003 users should change"
on my website.

"Aleksandar Draskovic" wrote in message

i have following problem:

- my boss assigns me an task
- i am reassigning this task to somebody from my team
- my team member completes the task and sets its status to "done"
- task disappears from list of my active tasks, which is of course ok
- task doesn't dissapear from list of active tasks from my boss

Is it so by Outlook 2007 / Exchange 2007 design or could I configure this?
I would like that Task dissapears from Task List from my boss too...

Thank you.

Aleksandar Draskovic

Aleksandar Draskovic June 7th 08 12:11 AM

Assigned Tasks in Outlook 2007 / Exchange 2007
Yes, the Task is accepted at each step. We tried to open Task Updates too
but it didn't change anything. Normally i don't have to open Task Update to
see the changes in my task list (2-participant). With 3 or more participant,
only two last participants in chain can share updates.


"Judy Gleeson (MVP Outlook)" judy schrieb im Newsbeitrag
is the Task being Accepted at each step of the chain and are the Task
Updates opened as they arrive in each Inbox?



Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant www.pragmatix.com.au
Outlook 2003 user? Read "7 settings all Outlook 2003 users should change"
on my website.

"Aleksandar Draskovic" wrote in message

i have following problem:

- my boss assigns me an task
- i am reassigning this task to somebody from my team
- my team member completes the task and sets its status to "done"
- task disappears from list of my active tasks, which is of course ok
- task doesn't dissapear from list of active tasks from my boss

Is it so by Outlook 2007 / Exchange 2007 design or could I configure
this? I would like that Task dissapears from Task List from my boss

Thank you.

Aleksandar Draskovic

John Lockett July 10th 08 03:05 AM

Assigned Tasks in Outlook 2007 / Exchange 2007
I am experiencing the same issue with Outlook 2007 and Exchange 2007. When a task is assigned to a team member (user B) by user A, user A's updates are sent back to user B. If user B then assigns the task to user C to complete the final steps, only user B get's updates on the final progress.

The end result is that the Boss, user A will see the progress on tasks up until they were reassigned, while the folks who reassigned them will see tasks completed.

This did not happen when we were using Outlook 2003 and Exchange 2003. Not sure which one broke the chain of updates, but it doesn't seem to work the same way now.

Any ideas on how we might fix this?

Thanks, -john lockett

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