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jimk January 9th 06 06:29 PM

unable to send email
see below - and thanks again for the help!

"Brian Tillman" wrote:

jimk wrote:

In order to not install the Juno software, I created the dialup connector
the Juno number in Network connections. That works.

So, it appears you're connecting to Juno's dial-up network.

** yep

In the properties box that opens up (Outlook: toolsemail accounts
change..), there's an entry for his name and email address. Below
that, there's entries for his ID and pwd. His ID is:
(although I've tried it w/out the " part
- when he logs onto the Juno site for email, his ID is:

Whoa! It's too late now, but NEVER post a real address in a public
newsgroup. You've just guaranteed the delivery of LOTS of SPAM and viruses
to that address.

This username/password should be put in the "Logon Information" on the mail
account properties page.

**duh. yeh. too tired and not thinking quite right. Sorry Dad g Yes, the
correct info is in the correct spot.

Next to that is a button for more settings. Here my memory gets a bit
hazy - but as I posted in my first email, it's something like this:

I get a 4 tabbed window. Under "outgoing server", I have a
"My outoging server (SMTP) requires authentification" box, and then
underneath I have 3 bullet options:

1. use same settings as my incoming server
2. log on using.... (boxes for entering info)
3. log on using incoming mail server before sending email

The "Use same settings..." option is typically the correct one.

** yep. tried that and then a couple different combos of ID (w/ the
' after the user name & w/out - just the user name) in the "logon
information" field. Neither worked.

I researched this a bit more and it's possible that the provider has their
Port 25 closed which is not allowing Outlook to connect. Juno basically
that as they've given me the settings, that's all they are going to do as
they don't support Microsoft.

So, what ports did Juno say you should use? Whatever they are, they should
be specified on the Advanced tab of the account properties dialogue. Did
they say whether or not you needed an SSL connection for either server? Do
you have the settings chosen to match what they said?

**They didn't say, and were basically completely in the dark w/ anything
past the main settings properties page. Literally, all they would say/repeat
is that I had the correct POP/SMTP settings and if it didn't work, tough.
Neither of the 2 people I spoke to had any knowledge of the advanced settings
area. The port 'info' was something I got posting to an ISP forum.

I'll see if I can get someone to do the testing you recommend below and
we'll go from there.

Try enabling diagnostic logging
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/300479/en-us) and if you can't understand
what you see after performing a test or a send/receive, post the log
contents here.
Brian Tillman
Brian Tillman

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