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hiramsquared April 7th 08 11:37 PM

Outlook shutdowns
After using Outlook for years, suddenly I get a message saying "Microsoft
Office has encountered a probblem and needs to close." It asks if I will
send a message to Microsoft (I never hear back) and then if I click ok, it
shuts down and reopens. It stays open for perhaps 2 minutes and does the same
thing again. I may be wrong, but somehow, I think it is something in Acrobat
that has it screwed up. Any ideas on how to keep Acrobat out of Outlook
conmpletely, oir any other ideas?

Hal Hostetler [MVP P/I] April 8th 08 01:48 AM

Outlook shutdowns
We need to know what that error message says. When you get an "Illegal
Operation" or "encountered a problem" message, there is usually a "Details"
button, or a "click here" link to see the error report. When you click on
the button/link, it will give a message like: XXXX caused an error in YYYY
and a bunch of register nonsense or it will list the Appname XXXX and
Modname YYYY. The XXXX and YYYY are important to identify the cause and
solution. You can ignore the rest of the message.

Hal Hostetler, CPBE --
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX
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KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
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"hiramsquared" wrote in message
After using Outlook for years, suddenly I get a message saying "Microsoft
Office has encountered a probblem and needs to close." It asks if I will
send a message to Microsoft (I never hear back) and then if I click ok, it
shuts down and reopens. It stays open for perhaps 2 minutes and does the

thing again. I may be wrong, but somehow, I think it is something in

that has it screwed up. Any ideas on how to keep Acrobat out of Outlook
conmpletely, oir any other ideas?

Diane Poremsky {MVP} April 9th 08 12:33 AM

Outlook shutdowns
What version of Outlook? Usually when an addin causes it to crash, outlook
disables it. But you can disable it yourself:

To prevent the Acrobat PDFMaker COM Addin from loading, go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlo ok\Addins\
PDFMOutlook.PDFMOutlook and change the LoadBehavior value from 3 to 2.
Restart Outlook.

Microsoft rarely contacts anyone over the error reports - but keep sending
them as they do help Microsoft identify and fix bugs.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Need Help with Common Tasks? http://www.outlook-tips.net/beginner/
Outlook 2007: http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ol2007/

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** Please include your Outlook version, Account type, and Windows Version
when requesting assistance **

"hiramsquared" wrote in message
After using Outlook for years, suddenly I get a message saying "Microsoft
Office has encountered a probblem and needs to close." It asks if I will
send a message to Microsoft (I never hear back) and then if I click ok, it
shuts down and reopens. It stays open for perhaps 2 minutes and does the
thing again. I may be wrong, but somehow, I think it is something in
that has it screwed up. Any ideas on how to keep Acrobat out of Outlook
conmpletely, oir any other ideas?

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