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Pinchot April 12th 06 04:03 AM

Outlook Contact Custom Form
Is it possible to design a custom Outlook Contact form to do the following:
1) Populate form with Exchange public folder data (I am doing this now)
2) Based on a key field in the Exchange Contact database, bring in
additional fields from a SQL Server database.

I have a special application that I want to share data with my public
exchange contact data. I believe that I can "push" the data from my vb app
through ado, but is there a way to "pull" the data from SQL Server?


Hollis Paul [MVP - Outlook] April 12th 06 06:17 PM

Outlook Contact Custom Form
In article ,
=?Utf-8?B?UGluY2hvdA==?= wrote:
I have a special application that I want to share data with my public
exchange contact data. I believe that I can "push" the data from my vb app
through ado, but is there a way to "pull" the data from SQL Server?

You just need to add code to open a connect and download the required data
from the database. Go to www.outlook-code.com and search on SQL query. There
are all kinds of results returned. This page looks particularly relevant:

Title: DataBase Connect
Description: Modified Task Form with two custom fields, in a new Tab Page;
when you open the form, it loads a pair of combo boxes with data from a
database; after you click on the first combo, depending on what you selected,
it requerys the other combo and loads other data from the db. In order to use
it: - Add to your form one page called: Clasificación - Add one Custom Combo
Box (cboClient, Two Column count) - Add one Custom Combo Box (cboProject, One
Column count) - Add one Custom text Field (txtClient) - Add one Custom text
Field (txtProject)

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