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-   -   outlook 2003/2007: item.save (http://www.outlookbanter.com/outlook-using-forms/59409-outlook-2003-2007-item-save.html)

Oskar Vaia October 20th 07 09:37 AM

outlook 2003/2007: item.save

here the code were i have implement the "item.save"-command:

Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal Name)
if CB5Source = 0 then

Dim RetMsgBox
Select Case Name
Case "Mahnung1"
If item.userproperties("Mahnung1").Value = false then
RetMsgBox = MsgBox ("Are you ...?", vbYesNo, "ATTENTION!")
if RetMsgBox = vbYes then
item.userproperties("Mahnung1").Value = False
item.userproperties("MB1").Value = "01.01.4501 04:00:00"
Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("Inkassi").Con trols("LabelMB1").Visible
= false
item.userproperties("aktMahnstufe").Value = ""
GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("Test").Controls("C ommandButton6").Caption
= "1. sollecito"
elseif RetMsgBox = vbNo then
end if
end if
Case "Mahnung2"
End Select
end if
end sub

after i respond with "Yes" on the Dialogbox the command item.save will save
my item.
My question:
Why, when i then immediately will close my item i receive another time the
question if i will save my item or not?

thx & bye


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