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Wanda October 6th 09 06:42 PM

If you have created a 2003 Outlook custom form and you have an IF statement
in the code, such as:

If objTab3("chbxPDIS") = True Then
.Body = .Body & "** PDIS has been requested." & chr(13) & chr(13)
End If

Can you make the text part (** PDIS has been requested.) bolded? The IF
statement is within a create new email type.

thank you. Wanda

Dmitry Streblechenko October 6th 09 11:11 PM

You would need to set the HTMLBody property instead of Body. HTMLBody can
use any custom formatting
The downside is that you cannot easily concatenate HTML strings.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
"Wanda" wrote in message
If you have created a 2003 Outlook custom form and you have an IF
in the code, such as:

If objTab3("chbxPDIS") = True Then
.Body = .Body & "** PDIS has been requested." & chr(13) & chr(13)
End If

Can you make the text part (** PDIS has been requested.) bolded? The IF
statement is within a create new email type.

thank you. Wanda

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