Automatic assigning of categories
I want to be able to assign categories to Outlook (2003) appointments based on a keyword search of the title. For example, "Business: Lunch with client" or "Personal: doctor's appointment". This is a simplistic example, but you get the idea. I am importing data from another application (Maximizer) and I want the appointments to be assigned to a category, Business or Personal in this example, based on the title of the appointment.
Outlook has a way of programatically setting the label or color, but I don't see any way to do the same for category.
I've managed to figure out how to write a simple macro, using the ItemAdd event, to do exactly what I want when an appointment is entered manually. But it does not work with whatever process Maximizer is using to send the data over. The help says "This event does not run when a large number of items are added to the folder at once". I'm not sure if this is my problem or not. "Large" must be a relative term, because I'm not adding more than a few dozen items. However, clearly it must mean some sort of bulk process.
If I can't have my macro called every time an appointment is added, then I wrote a macro to simply go through all the appointments and modify them. But I want to know when to call the macro. It would be wasteful to simply call it every n minutes. I have no idea how Maximizer is doing its synchronization. Outlook doesn't have to be up. But is there some other trigger I can use? There must be some way that Maximizer is establishing a connection and presumably a point at which the connection is broken. Is there a way I can use that as a trigger so that my macro can run as soon as Maximizer is finished updating?