Greetings all,
I have found several sites online that give examples of macros to automatically save attachments off to a folder on a hard drive, however I have not been able to get any of them to work. I am apparently less than skilled ;-) in editing the online examples so I was hoping if I can provide some specifics one of the worthies on this forum may be able to assist in providing a copy-able version and steps on how to implement to insert into an Outlook Rule.
My Outlook data folder is he C:\Documents and Settings\E150426\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outlook.ost
The folder from which I want to automatically save the attachments and then permanently delete the e-mail is under Inbox\Verizon Business\TDS Reports (I already have a Rule in place to move those specific messages from
the Inbox to this sub-folder).
I want to save the attachments to C:\Documents and Settings\E150426\My Documents\Verizon Business Billing\TDS Report Attachments
The attachments already have unique names so no renames would be needed, and I think that covers everything I've read online as to required info.
Any help is GREATLY HUGELY appreciated!