Forum: Outlook - Calandaring
September 3rd 07, 04:56 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
Replies: 0
Views: 468
Importing from csv
My import from a .csv did not populate the actual time our event is. these
are the ones it did Subject, Location, START DATE END DATE, END TIME CT,
Forum: Outlook - Using Contacts
August 7th 06, 05:30 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
Replies: 13
Views: 972
Contacts Deleted
I am explaining it as I exactly see it. A individual Contact as you would
see with any entry you have on someone. Inside of that to the right is the
area you can write notes at length. It...
Forum: Outlook - Using Contacts
August 4th 06, 11:15 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
Replies: 13
Views: 972
Contacts Deleted
Its an Untitled contact and just an icon in the note section with the name
of each contact. There is no ther info.
Forum: Outlook - Using Contacts
August 4th 06, 06:21 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
Replies: 13
Views: 972
Contacts Deleted
That is exactly what I did, side by side, hightlight and drag, all it does
is duplicate a contact with all of them in the "note" box.
Biz Broker
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Forum: Outlook - Using Contacts
August 4th 06, 05:08 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
Replies: 13
Views: 972
Contacts Deleted
No I was unable to do that.
Biz Broker
Your Business has the POWER of our Business
"Brian Tillman" wrote:
Forum: Outlook - Using Contacts
August 3rd 06, 10:20 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
Replies: 13
Views: 972
Contacts Deleted
Yes they are in a contact. Which emptied them from the Deleted folder. Any
solutions to this or an undue?
Biz Broker
Your Business has the POWER of our Business
Forum: Outlook - Using Contacts
August 3rd 06, 09:25 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
Replies: 13
Views: 972
Contacts Deleted
Unfortunately I am a novice and don't know what other way to describe what I
see and what took place.
I'll try it this way: I dragged the individual contacts into Contact and all
of the...
Forum: Outlook - Using Contacts
August 3rd 06, 08:16 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
Replies: 13
Views: 972
Contacts Deleted
I have Ooutlook 2003 and I have it synced with my Blackberry 7520 4.1 SW
By happen stance I go to my deleted folder in Outlook and see 840 individual
contacts there. Which compiled of...