Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
August 30th 07, 09:46 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 0
Views: 473
SmartTags within a mail message
Note: This post may be better in a Word programming forum but I figured I
would start here.
Our Outlook addin calls Word.Document.RecheckSmartTags within the Item_Send
event. On a few customer...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 27th 07, 11:16 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 3
Views: 816
CommandBarComboBox on inspector toolbar (ol2003)
No, I have not gotten any resolution to it. I know it has something to do
with the focus. I had spent a ilttle time trying to find a way to keep the
focus on the toolbar after the user enters...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 21st 07, 03:15 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 6
Views: 1,127
How to find a mailitem
So perhaps I should rephrase my original question. I am capturing the
Item_Send event. In this event, I create a postitem in another folder in
which I add a userproperty that references the "to...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 21st 07, 02:03 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 6
Views: 1,127
How to find a mailitem
I found the help page with shows "ConversationIndex" as a valid filter. When
I use it though, I get the exception "The property "ConversationIndex" in the
condition is not valid." Any ideas...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 21st 07, 01:42 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 3
Views: 816
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 21st 07, 01:41 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 6
Views: 1,127
How to find a mailitem
Given a conversationindex and conversationtopic, how do I find a mailitem? I
have looked at Session.GetDefaultFolder(...).Items.Find but I do not see any
examples of how to construct the search...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 18th 07, 04:50 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 1
Views: 735
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 14th 07, 11:05 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 5
Views: 791
Creating a command bar on an Inspector
Sorry, "dispid's" are the dispatch ids that are exposed via IDispatch. I was
able to hack it by trying various values:
0xf001= Activated
0xf006 = Deactivated
0xf008 = Closed
I am making some...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 13th 07, 08:25 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 5
Views: 791
Creating a command bar on an Inspector
Couple questions:
1) Should I use InspectorEvents or InspectorEvents_10? I.e., which one
ensures maximum compatiblity?
2) What are the dispids for Activate, Deactivate and Closed?
3) Does...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 13th 07, 12:06 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 5
Views: 791
Creating a command bar on an Inspector
I am trying to create a command bar in the NewInspector event. The code
seems to be working fine on Office 2003 and 2007 but throws an exception in
Office XP when I access the CommandBars.Add...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 12th 07, 08:34 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 2
Views: 626
OnItemSend cancel problem
We encountered this problem when rolloing out our addin. The code at the
following url fixed it for us.
Benjamin Strum
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 12th 07, 08:30 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 10
Views: 2,582
C# and New Inspector event
I figured it out using the code I provided. It is necessary to make the .net
class libary com visible. After adding
[assembly: ComVisible(true)]
to AssemblyInfo.cs, the NewInspector event...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 11th 07, 09:32 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 10
Views: 2,582
C# and New Inspector event
Do I need to add a reference to the 2000 PIA? If so, then my installer will
include it, right? We had problems in the early release of our addin when
including any of the PIAs because the addin...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 11th 07, 06:10 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 10
Views: 2,582
C# and New Inspector event
Does anyone know how to do this? We have spent a lot of time making our code
version independent using late binding. We now need to be able to hook into
the newinspector event.
Here is some...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 8th 07, 03:52 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 10
Views: 2,582
C# and New Inspector event
Any code examples? I was using the SafeCOMWrapper from
but it doesn't...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 8th 07, 12:57 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 10
Views: 2,582
C# and New Inspector event
Does anyone have code to capture the new inspector event from c# using late
binding? I need to be able to capture this event in an Office version
neutral way.
I put some code together but it...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 5th 07, 03:49 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 3
Views: 1,105
Exception thrown on MailItem.Send
The ResolveAll call is returning false on this one machine so the email does
not go out. Why would this happen? How can I get around this? I am sure
that the email address specified is valid...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 1st 07, 05:42 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 3
Views: 1,105
Exception thrown on MailItem.Send
I am getting an exception thrown with our c# outlook addon installed on one
machine running Office 2003. The exception is thrown when I try to call Send
on a mail item that I have programatically...
Forum: Outlook and VBA
March 10th 07, 12:17 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_vba
Replies: 1
Views: 427
Does anyone have c# or code which can retrieve the PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN
property from an IAttachment? Actually, it would be best if there was some
code that could get this value given an...