Forum: Outlook - General Queries
May 15th 07, 01:44 PM Posted to,,,,microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 12
Views: 1,325
Disaster Recovery for a Single Mailbox
On May 15, 11:09 am, "Nicolas Macarez" wrote:
I have an issue with a user who has deleted the Sent Items folder in his
mailbox (Microsoft Outlook 2003 SP2) - still less...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 19th 07, 04:09 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 3
Views: 463
Getting all the emails back?
Is this for a private individual or a company?
Naxian specialise in email archiving and fully understand your dilema.
Often a hiccup in a restore of email is the MS update, so watch out
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 18th 07, 05:19 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 0
Views: 353