Forum: Outlook and VBA
May 3rd 07, 05:30 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_vba
Replies: 1
Views: 425
Making frames stay hidden or seen
I have made this code work - I had to tweak the code and write for the Read
event instead of the open event.
"daphnejean77" wrote:
I am using a code to make the correct frames visible or...
Forum: Outlook and VBA
May 2nd 07, 06:00 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_vba
Replies: 1
Views: 425
Making frames stay hidden or seen
I am using a code to make the correct frames visible or hidden depending on a
checkbox that is checked. So far, the code works on the senders end, but
once I send the email to myself, the frames...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
May 1st 07, 02:49 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 23
Views: 2,053
making frames dissapear using checkboxes
I did have that box checked, but I have unchecked it and republished the
forms but still having the same problem. It shows only to correct frame
before I send it, but once it comes into my email...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 30th 07, 07:48 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 23
Views: 2,053
making frames dissapear using checkboxes
Sorry about that. I have used the code mentioned before. The first code
works. Before I send the email, the checkbox makes the correct frame
visible, however once I send it to myself and open...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 30th 07, 06:48 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 23
Views: 2,053
making frames dissapear using checkboxes
I used the event Handler for the open event and kept only the four code
statements and it looks like this:
Function Item_Open()
Set myinspector = Item.GetInspector
Set myPage1 =...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 27th 07, 09:34 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 23
Views: 2,053
making frames dissapear using checkboxes
Perfect, I don't know what was different but it worked, now to make this do
the same thing for the Item Open event handler, the code will appear as.....
Sub Item_Open_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 27th 07, 07:12 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 23
Views: 2,053
making frames dissapear using checkboxes
Yes, this makes so much more sense. I am getting an error message though.
The form is telling me - invalid character line 2 - why is Select Case Name
invalid? Am I missing something else?
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 27th 07, 06:06 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 23
Views: 2,053
making frames dissapear using checkboxes
So far I have the below code, it is giving me an error on line three and I am
not even sure I am headed in the right direction at this point.
Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal Name)
Select Case...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 27th 07, 04:24 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 23
Views: 2,053
making frames dissapear using checkboxes
I am trying to start over this morning I am still having trouble writing
the Code for the CustomPropertyChange I don't know what I am missing. Can
you maybe give me an example code to start with...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 27th 07, 01:54 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 23
Views: 2,053
making frames dissapear using checkboxes
Ok, so I actually understood more than I thought I did. I have a checkbox
already created with the property to tie it to the frame. Now I am really
struggling with writing code for Custom...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 26th 07, 09:40 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 10
Views: 1,127
Form issues
Thank you for all your help, I don't know why, but I can't make this work. I
am going to walk away and give up on this particular code. Thank you again.
I just can't seem to understand.
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 26th 07, 09:26 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 23
Views: 2,053
making frames dissapear using checkboxes
Thank you for your help you have been truelly wonderful in all of this. I am
still having trouble, but it gets clearer from time to time. I do not know
where I am going wrong today or why these...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 26th 07, 07:12 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 10
Views: 1,127
Form issues
I am now trying to write a code using the CustomPropertyChange and I am not
doing something right, only I am not sure what it is. I have a checkbox that
I need to trigger the Now () formula into a...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 26th 07, 05:46 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 23
Views: 2,053
making frames dissapear using checkboxes
How do I design a frame to have a Yes/No property? Also when you refer to
running a similar code in the Item_Open event handler, I should be writing a
code that hides the appropriate frames once...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 26th 07, 04:42 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 10
Views: 1,127
Form issues
Once I follow those instructions, the code no longer allows the time stamp to
populate the correct field.
"Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
You need to follow Hollis' instructions for creating...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 26th 07, 04:34 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 23
Views: 2,053
making frames dissapear using checkboxes
I am sorry, but I am still getting used to some of the functions and fields.
I am confused about what you are saying below. I don't even know where to
begin for either suggestion. Can you...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 26th 07, 03:42 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 23
Views: 2,053
making frames dissapear using checkboxes
I have a code to cause frames to disapear/reappear when a checkbox is marked
or unmarked. I am using this code for a custom email form I am designing.
The frames are successfully staying hidden...
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 26th 07, 03:40 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 10
Views: 1,127
Form issues
I am using a code using the checkboxes and I am having the same problem. The
Checkboxes will not stay checked once my form has been saved and closed. The
code I am using is this:
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 25th 07, 10:34 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 5
Views: 575
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 25th 07, 09:18 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 5
Views: 575
Forum: Outlook - Using Forms
April 24th 07, 04:24 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
Replies: 5
Views: 575