Forum: Outlook Express
March 1st 06, 03:30 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 712
Forum: Outlook Express
February 27th 06, 11:55 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 712
Forum: Outlook Express
February 27th 06, 10:46 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 712
Lost an entire mail folder
A friend uses OE6 and just lost an entire folder (under the inbox). The
folder itself and the messages are gone.
How could this happen w/o deliberately deleting the folder?
I've done a...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 29th 06, 07:09 PM Posted to
Replies: 1
Views: 482
Forum: Outlook Express
January 29th 06, 06:57 PM Posted to
Replies: 1
Views: 482
Where is old FROM address coming from
Sometimes when I forward a message it will appear to come from and old
account I had with a different ISP!
I don't use that adress any longer and I have only one e-mail account set
up in OL...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 19th 06, 10:58 PM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 622
Identity crisis!
Thanks for the help.
I'm starting to follow up on your directions.
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in news:ufu8q4KHGHA.3120
Forum: Outlook Express
January 19th 06, 04:50 AM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 622
Identity crisis!
All of a sudden, OE opened showing only old messages (2000, 2001).
After a lot of head scratching I stumbled on File/Identities (which I
never knew existed).
The current identity (the one...